47. Juliet

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After finding out from Conrad's roommate that he'd gone to talk to the detectives, I was back in my room pacing around, chewing my bottom lip repeatedly, pulling at my hair anxiously and letting out random curse words aggressively

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After finding out from Conrad's roommate that he'd gone to talk to the detectives, I was back in my room pacing around, chewing my bottom lip repeatedly, pulling at my hair anxiously and letting out random curse words aggressively. I was completely stressed out. I tried to distract myself with work or tidying my room but I couldn't concentrate on anything. I forced myself to lie down on my bed and think things through, trying to find a way to fix everything and my deep thoughts resulted in me falling asleep.

Eventually, I was woken up by a knock at the door, causing me to sit up and try to realise where I was as my blurred vision and confused mind tried to focus. The knocks continued and I frowned towards the door groggily, before I heard my name being called from the other side and I dove from the bed, dashed across the room and yanked it open.

'Conrad!' I gasped, before I grabbed his arm and dragged him into the room. Once the door was closed, I dove forward and hugged him tightly. 'What the hell is going on? I've been so worried!'

'The detectives think something was going on with Chloe and me!' he replied, his brows furrowed and his eyes wide with confusion. 'I've never even so much as batted an eyelid towards Chloe in that way! It's a complete lie!'

'W-w-what did they say? Are you gonna' g-get in trouble? Please tell me, I am going out of my mind here,' I stuttered, my mind beginning to wonder why I cared so much about Conrad's welfare to the point where my hands were shaking with anxiousness.

'Axel gave me an alibi,' he sighed.

'Axel did what?' I gasped. 'He lied to the detectives?'

'Yeah, he said we were together all night,' Conrad murmured.

'If that comes out as a lie then that makes you look even more guilty!' I exclaimed.

'I know, Juliet!' he cried. 'It's all so fucked up; I have no idea what the hell is going on! Please, please tell me you believe I didn't kill her...'

'Of course I believe you didn't!' I replied. 'I know you didn't do it!'

My phone buzzed from the desk and I hurried over, frowning at the random number.

'Who is it?' Conrad asked.

'I'm not sure,' I mumbled, answering and bringing the phone to my ear. 'Hello?'

'Juliet, it's Shane!' I heard the panicked tone on the other end of the line.

'Are you okay?' I asked. 'How did you get my number?'

'Juliet, Axel gave Conrad a fake alibi!' Shane cried.

'Yeah...I heard about that,' I mumbled, eyeballing a curious looking Conrad. 'What about it?'

'Axel has been arrested!' Shane cried. 'They know the alibi was fake because Axel's swipe card shows he was out of the wing after curfew! Now he's a suspect!'

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