28. Brynn

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'Where the hell are you going looking like that?' Julia asked, as she walked into the room on Monday evening

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'Where the hell are you going looking like that?' Julia asked, as she walked into the room on Monday evening. Curfew had just passed so everybody was returning back to their own common rooms.

'Ummm...' I looked for a reason to be stood in a lacy bralet with an open black shirt and tight jeans I'd put on for my secret evening with Joseph as I stared back at her through the reflection in the mirror. 'Nowhere special.'

'Nowhere special?' she reiterated, with an arched brow, as she laid down her things on her bed. 'It's Monday night and you're all dressed up. You're definitely sneaking out.'

'I'm not sneaking out,' I lied, turning around to look her in the eye. 'I'm just going to hang out in Tate's room which I know is breaking the rules still but I have faith that you'll keep your mouth shut.'

'I don't care that you're sneaking into the boys' dorms, everybody does that,' she laughed. 'Are you and Tate like a thing now?'

'No!' I snorted, before I realised it looked even more suspicious that I would be dressed this way if we weren't. 'Well...I mean, maybe. I guess we'll see.'

'Well if anything is going to work it's that bra,' she said, widening her eyes at it. 'I can see your nipples.'

'That's the point,' I sniggered.

'Well, I'm actually going to have a study session with my friend Adam now in his dorm so I'll walk with you,' she said, as she changed her shoes.

'Oh, that's okay, you probably need to change out of your uniform and I don't have time to wait for you,' I said, turning away to grab my phone.

'I'm not changing, it's only studying,' she said, laughing softly. 'Adam gave me his swipe card so you might aswell walk with me.'

'Okay, fine,' I said, realising I had no reason not to.

We left our dorm and strolled through the common room towards the boys' dorms. I noticed Chloe and Olivia sitting on a sofa and they both halted their conversation to stare at my outfit. Olivia snarled her lip in distaste and Chloe looked completely shocked. I smirked as I continued past them.

Julia swiped the door and we headed into the boys' dorms and strolled up the hall before she stopped.

'Well, see you,' she said, giving me a small smile.

'Yeah, bye,' I said, as I hovered, waiting for her to leave and disappear into a dorm.

'Aren't you going to knock?' she asked, as she pointed to the door behind me. We were outside Tate's room.

'Oh yeah,' I laughed, and I lightly tapped on the door.

'Okay then,' she said, eyeing me suspiciously. 'Have fun.'

She continued up the hall and I watched as she swiped her way into a dorm before I exhaled heavily. Now I was rid of her, I had to sneak out of the common room without anybody stopping me or snitching on me, which was going to be hard with those two bitches sitting in there, but I had to make it to Joseph's classroom without getting seen.

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