9. Shane

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'Shane, it's for you again,' Hanna told me, as I lay on the small chair in her dorm

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'Shane, it's for you again,' Hanna told me, as I lay on the small chair in her dorm.

I threw down my magazine and got to my feet, grabbing my bag as I walked to the open door and the two girls waiting greeted me with a smile.

'Chelsea, Fran, same as usual?' I asked, as I pulled the two clear bags from my satchel both containing an eighth of weed.

They nodded and I handed them over, taking their money before closing the door and heading back inside. Hanna was sitting on her bed and loading up her laptop and I joined her, throwing myself down heavily.

'Ouch, watch it,' she hissed, as she loaded up a movie. 'You really ought to be more careful, you know.'

'Pfft, I've been selling weed here since grade 9 and never been caught yet,' I replied, waving my hand nonchalantly.

It was certainly true. Selling weed at school was an absolutely huge source of income for me considering my parents didn't supply me with endless funds like the rest of the kids. They were filthy rich but they hadn't come from money. My father's successful business had gotten them where they were today and he'd wanted for me and my older brother, Richard, to work and earn for ourselves. They thought that paying for a good education was more than enough and would give us a good foundation to build ourselves our own future. I saw their point, but it really was a pain in the ass to have a limited spend on my credit card, meaning I had turned to selling marijuana at school.

There was certainly nobody else at school doing so, meaning everybody knew they had no choice but to come to me if they wanted it. I was following in my brother's footsteps. He'd done the same when he had been a Kingston student and he would visit me every couple of weeks on a weekend as if he was just catching up with his little brother, but really he was delivering my supply.

'Someone will snitch on you one day,' Hanna was saying, as she reached down and opened the drawer under her bed to pull out some snacks.

'All of my customers know that they have to keep it on the DL from the losers that are anti-drugs,' I told her. 'Trust me, I'm good. Anyway, they would have to prove it and nobody would find my hiding place in my dorm.'

'Where is it?' she asked me.

'I'm not telling you!' I cried. 'You're my best friend so yeah, you get weed for free but telling you my hiding place, nah-ah, not gonna' happen, honey!'

'Fine,' she chuckled. 'Anyway, you ready to watch this?'

'Sure,' I replied, laying down on her pillow. 

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