11. Brynn

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I strolled into my English class the next morning wearing a plain, black, oversized t-shirt and jeans with a pair of sneakers

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I strolled into my English class the next morning wearing a plain, black, oversized t-shirt and jeans with a pair of sneakers. I had woken up late and Julia had already left the room. After a long weekend of having nothing to do and realising my friends from home were too busy to text me back, I'd awoke on Monday morning feeling pissed and the second I'd eyed up my ugly uniform, I smirked and dressed in my own clothes instead.

The whole class turned and looked at me and I grinned at their stunned expressions. Julia shook her head and returned her eyes to her book. A few of the bitches I'd had a small confrontation with in the common room were twisting their faces at me. Most of the guys looked impressed as they eyed me up and the silence was finally broken by one particular guy with black, curly hair who clapped his hands a few times and nodded approvingly. He was sitting at the desk behind Julia and she turned and gave him a scowl.

'What?' he asked her, with a shrug. He himself had an earring in his ear, his tie was loosened and he had a couple of rings on his fingers and I smiled back at his impressed grin.

'Brynn?' Mr. Goodwin questioned, with a tired look on his face. 'What are you doing?'

Now Mr. Goodwin aka Joseph was looking particularly fine today in a navy suit and slicked back hair and I had to refrain from biting my lip as I turned to him.

'Oh!' I gasped, before a giggled falsely. 'Sorry, Sir, I overslept. I won't be late again.'

I walked through the classroom and took my seat by Julia.

'If you're wanting to get kicked out you're heading the right way,' she whispered.

'Brynn, you cannot turn up to class like this,' Mr. Goodwin sighed, shaking his head at me.

'I said I'm sorry,' I murmured, rolling my eyes.

'I mean your outfit,' he said, impatiently. 'Where is your uniform?'

'Well, excuse me!' I scoffed. 'Last week you made it clear that you didn't like my uniform on me so I wore something else! Now you're telling me I should have worn it, come on, Mr. G, these are mixed messages right here.'

The silence was deafening. The whole class was staring at me and I could still hear the curly haired boy's quiet sniggers behind me.

I saw the redness on Mr. Goodwin's face and it was a picture. 'Last week I was referring to the extremely short skirt, don't be a smart-ass.'

There was a few quiet mumbles and awkward laughs as Mr. Goodwin appeared to be losing his temper with me. I loved it.

I heard a click and everyone glanced to the other side of the room where the annoying, redheaded girl from the common room had her camera held up to her face. This bitch had already snapped a picture of me without my permission and her face dropped when she saw my scowl.

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