62. Brynn

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Their voices were just echoes around the room as I slowly stood to my feet in complete horror

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Their voices were just echoes around the room as I slowly stood to my feet in complete horror.

'Brynn, who is she talking about?' Olivia asked me.

'Brynn...is this about Tate?' Juliet murmured.

'Brynn, are you okay?' Shane questioned.

'I have to go,' I said, and as they began to protest, I dashed out of the room.

I hurried through the dorms, passed through the common room and out into the hallway, my sneakers pounding on the squeaky clean floors as I ran through the school. I turned corners quickly and without pause as fear and anxiety and confusion built up more and more inside of me. Finally, I made it.

I didn't knock on the door. Instead, I marched right into his classroom and there he was, tidying up his desk, dressed head to toe in another fancy suit.

'Brynn?' he questioned, as he spun around. 'Are you okay?'

'No,' I muttered, letting the door swing shut behind me as I stormed into the room. 'No, I am not fucking okay!'

'Alright, please calm down,' he murmured, glancing at the door. 'Please, do not start yelling. Just talk to me. Tell me what's wrong. Tell me what has happened. Is this why you didn't come and see me again?'

'Just stop talking!' I screeched, as I turned around and gripped my hair in my hands. I was so overwhelmed and I just wanted to punch something. I had to get it all out of my system before I exploded. I had to know.

'You're worrying me,' Joseph said, calmly.

'I know about Chloe!' I barked, turning back around to glare at him.

'Chloe who?' he asked, frowning at me.

'Don't play dumb!' I cried. 'Chloe fucking Yates!'

'What about her?' he asked, but I was sure I sensed a slight discomfort arise in his eyes.

'I know she told you she had feelings for you,' I continued, feeling my voice turning shaky. 'I know you rejected her advances.'

'How do you know this?' he asked, his breathing faster now as he became worried. 'Who did she tell?'

'She wrote it in her fucking diary and we just found it!' I exclaimed.

'Who is "we"?' he asked.

'Me, Olivia, Juliet and Shane,' I answered.

'So they all know too?' Joseph asked.

'No...she kept your name out of her diary; all she talked about was how much she wanted you and how badly you hurt her by leading her on and then wanting nothing to do with her and then she mentions me!' I explained. 'That's how I knew it was about you because she wrote that she saw you with me! The other guys still have no idea it's you because I ran out of the room and came straight here.'

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