63. Olivia

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'What did you just say?' I was frozen in shock at the words that had just left her mouth

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'What did you just say?' I was frozen in shock at the words that had just left her mouth.

'Mr. Goodwin?' Shane repeated, blinking rapidly. 'Did you just say Mr. Goodwin?'

'Yes, that's what I said, Shane!' Brynn snapped, turning her back on us as she slouched and let out a heavy sigh.

'Brynn...' Juliet murmured, softly. 'You've been sleeping with a teacher?'

'I didn't sleep with him!' she cried, spinning around again. 'Listen, okay when I first started out here I was just looking for some excitement and I walked into his class and I thought he was attractive and I just wanted to entertain myself by playing with him a little! I didn't think he would actually be interested in me!'

'What happened with you two?' Shane asked her.

'Look, we kissed and we just...got a little touchy-feely but that's it,' she replied.

'That's it?' I questioned, feeling my whole body ignite in fear and worry. 'What the hell do you mean, that's it? Our teacher took advantage of you!'

'He did not,' Brynn replied, sternly. 'I went to him everytime; I wanted his affection and his attention. We called things off right away and he was adamant that it could never happen again.'

'Are you forgetting what was written in Chloe's fucking diary?' I asked her, loudly. 'He was probably taking advantage of her too!'

'Chloe wrote that he rejected her!' Brynn yelled. 'She makes it clear that he had no interest in her and he was cold with her the second he found out she had feelings!'

'He wasn't interested in her because he had his sights set on you,' I told her.

'He told me himself that he was never interested in her!' Brynn yelled.

'He told you that?' I gasped. 'When the fuck did he tell you that?'

She closed her eyes and let out a heavy sigh. 'I went to see him after we read the diary.'

'What the fuck, Brynn?' Shane cried. 'Did you confront him about what Chloe had written?'

'Yes!' she exclaimed. 'I told him Chloe wrote about catching us! I told him that she was out for revenge because he rejected her!'

'She went to see him that night, Brynn!' I cried. 'The night she died, she went to tell him that she was going to ruin his life! She was obviously going to tell everyone that she caught you two!'

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