29. Olivia

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I was lounging in the common room as curfew was approaching, feeling low as I glanced down at my phone on the chair beside me

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I was lounging in the common room as curfew was approaching, feeling low as I glanced down at my phone on the chair beside me. Axel and I had been texting throughout the day but now I'd been left on read. The conversation had seemed normal but I still felt he was acting distant.

The well needed distraction came when Chloe came out of the dorm rooms and sat next to me on the sofa.

'You okay?' she asked, as she glanced down at my phone.

'Just Axel,' I sighed. 'I am so sick of being miserable over Axel. I don't even want to talk about him right now.'

'Okay, well let's not talk about him,' Chloe said. 'Let's talk about Gabriella and how she just begged me pathetically not to tell anyone about her little antics in the bathroom.'

'Oh, she begged you?' I gasped, letting out a small giggle. 'That is so embarrassing.'

The common room door opened and in walked Polly, followed by our other friends Shania and Neveah.

'Wanna' come hear some major gossip?' Chloe called over to them.

'Screw you,' Polly replied, flatly, immediately heading for the dorms.

'Yikes,' I murmured. 'That was harsh.'

'She's upset because I got the part and she's my understudy,' Chloe sighed. 'She'll get over it and she'll be dying to know the gossip so I'm sure she'll come running at some point.'

'Chloe, listen, you can't tell everyone about Gabriella when she begged you not to,' I told her, and she pressed her lips together.

The girls' dorms door opened again and out walked Julia Solis, a fellow member of my debate team, followed by Brynn Parsons. My eyes widened as the first thing I laid eyes on was her breasts in a racy little bra under a half open shirt and I twisted my face at it. She was an embarrassment to our school. I mean, a lot of the girls in our grade were a little slutty but she just took the biscuit.

'Did you see her top?' Chloe asked, as Julia and Brynn disappeared into the boys' dorms.

'Couldn't miss it,' I murmured. 'She has no shame.'

'I bet guys just fall at her feet everywhere she goes,' Chloe mumbled. 'Sometimes I wonder if it would be more beneficial to just become a total whore.'

'It's never beneficial to be a whore, darling,' I sighed, forcing on a smile. 'She thinks it's cool now but many colleges and employers look into your past and her promiscuous ways will come back to bite her on the ass.'

'Or she'll probably just fuck the boss and get hired without question,' Chloe mumbled.

'Anyway, back to Gabriella,' I said, not wanting to discuss that bitch any further. 'You did promise you'd keep it to yourself, didn't you?'

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