YouTuber!Kokichi x Youtuber! y/n

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THIRD OF ALL hey mamas how yall doing?

Kokichi's Pov

I was livestream a q and a, because my 69 million followers wanted to know more about me.

Illegal.babe24; how old are you?

"oh um 21 years old haha" I answered with a smile. Believe it or not I loved all of my followers. I didn't think I would make it big but here I am.

Imawh0r3f0rkokichi65; are you gonna continue your series where you read some of your fanfic about you!?

"Obviously! It's funny and kinda cute in a way. Also very creepy too. Also some of you guys write smuts about me? That's nice."I laughed

Bestboikokichi; kiss, kill or marry, y/n l/n, miu iruma and Shuichi saihara?

"I- wow. Um I know for a fact kill miu. I haven't met y/n but kiss her I guess and marry Shuichi" I answered. My fandom ships me and Shuichi a lot and being the nice person i am, I feed them with the saiouma content they need.

y/n l/n✅; bet

"Oh y/n i-i didn't know you'd see this haha" I stuttered, stupid chat. They decided to tag her.

Lolisuckc0k; new ship!?

Idkhowto; y/n coming for your manz @Shuichisaiharder✅

Makeusernamesup; is that blush I see!?

Koheeheee; wtf guys calm down, tho they're right, Kokichi your blushing

"Okay that will be all for today haha. Remember I hate you all and whatever bye."

I went of the live and I decided to edit a video I was working on.

After I finished and then logged into Twitter.

TRENDING #1 Kokichi
(With y/n)

TRENDING #2 Kokichi×y/n!?

TRENDING #3 Kokichi went live

TRENDING #4 Kokichi has a crush!?

TRENDING #5 Kokichi either ships saiouma or hates saiouma

Well then. I'm not surprised actually, this happens whenever I do anything, sometimes it gets annoying but I don't mind.

I see that Shuichi tweeted and tagged me.

Shuichisaiharder✅; bye I'm breaking up with @Kokichioumay/n x Kokichi is my new favourite ship😩

I smiled and tweeted back

KokichiOuma✅; stfu we weren't dating and I still ship saiouma but whatever

Twitter 🐦; y/ntheheather✅ replied to your tweet.

y/ntheheather✅; same.

After that I went to sleep.

{Time skip to Kokichi getting coffee}

"Hi can I get a black coffee" I said to the barista, who was trying to hide the fact she met me. She's not doing a good job. "Omg!" Watch how she says its Kokichi Ouma oh my god hi

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