when he knows.

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Me to all you readers:

Me to all you readers:

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Basically, I ain't dead

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Basically, I ain't dead. To prove that I'm alive here's an update. So basically when Kokichi knows that you have a crush but doesn't know who it is. Mastermind Kokichi x shy reader. He may be OOC

"YN. Please tell me who you like!"
This is the fourth time Rantaro (my best friend) asked me. (A/N have a pic of him because I have too many)

"For the fifth time, no! I just need your advice on how I should ask him out!" I whine

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"For the fifth time, no! I just need your advice on how I should ask him out!" I whine.

"Fine then. How does he act like?"

I had to think about that. How does he act like? Oh, I know!

"He's a totally a sadist."


"Wha- how did yo-" I looked behind me. "Hi, Kokichi!"

Kokichi Pov

I heard my Y/N talking about crushes. Since I have a crush on her I had to know who it was so they can be dead faster than you can say killing game. She was talking to her so-called best friend, Rantaro.  Does she have a crush on him?

"What are you talking about?" I said trying not to sound a bit mad.

"Nothing" she says like it's the most obvious thing ever. ( me when my crush asks about what I'm talking about )

"Ya sure about that"

"Yep" she said popping the p.

"Can we talk. Alone." I said. She nodded.

We left the library.

Your pov

"I heard you were talking about your crush." Crap he heard

"Y-yeah" I stuttered.

"Can I know who it is?" He asked in a polite manner. Something that isn't normal. I feel like I should confess. (Totally not because author-chan doesn't know what she's writing)

"The person I Like is..." Crap. I can't confess. He gave me a confused look.

"The person I like is Rantaro. Yeah, I like him. " WTF. Why did I say my best friend's name? I hate life. Someone come kill me now. Say it was suicide.
He looked at me. Cold. Then smirked. Fuck!

"I can make you change your mind." He says seductively. I was right. He is a sadist.

"What do you mea-" he kissed me. He freaking kissed me. He kissed my virgin lips.  It was clear here was angry. That he wanted me to like him. I moaned into the kiss. He smirked, still kissing me. He already won the fight for dominance. He explored my mouth. It felt amazing. Sadly there is this thing called oxygen our bodies need. I was a panting mess. He clearly liked my vulnerable state. "I like you Kokichi, I was afraid that you won't like me back. " I say as I caught my breath.

"That's lucky because I like you too. " he picked me up, bridal style.

"Kokichi where are we going? " I ask him.

"You'll see. Just keep quiet." He whispers. He carried me into the boy's bathroom. He opened a stall, inside that stall was a secret door.

"Kokichi what is this place?" I asked, a bit scared.

"The Mastermind headquarters or where you are going to get fucked."

That's it for now children.

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