Birthday sex 🍋

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It was our daddy's birthday and I forgot to post this, also tf I was gonna do a 10k special but yall really said nah imma make it 20k+ Thank you. Non killing game au also I didn't take anything seriously as I wrote this because I was high on air, okay? Okay.

y/n Pov

Me and Kokichi have been besties since i don't know how long. Hes the ultimate supreme leader and I'm the ultimate prankster aka the perfect friendship combo.... but I'm a horrible friend because I forgot his birthday.  I know, so stupid. And I didn't have time to buy him a gift so I decided that his birthday gift would be *insert dramatic Drum role* me! Which brings us here.

"Are you sure y/n?" Kokichi asked

"Well..." "too late you've already given me yourself, nishishi~" what did I get myself into...

Kokichi was about to say something but then the bell rang signalling class.


I swear to god I'm going to kill Him. You know what he made me do? He made get up as the teacher was explaining algebra
And do the freaking chicken dance.  I got detention because of that but as if I'm going to attend.

"Hahaha y/n that was so funny"
"Shut up Kokichi" I pouted, how was it funny? "you can't be mad at me on my  birthday" " watch. Me." He sighed and thought for a bit. Kokichi started to smirk. Oh no... "y/n-san~ Because your mad at me Your going to have to wear a maid outfit all day" I looked at him with wide eyes. The fuck? "Oh and wear a vibrator" if my face wasn't red then it sure is now. "Wtf Kokichi?" "No questions it's your fault now go to the bathrooms and change." 

I knew I had no choice so I did as he said. Why did I do this to myself? Why didn't I think that he would do something like this.

Time skip to class.

I could hear people laughing at me but I didn't really care. I could just get them back. I am the ultimate prankster of course. We'll see who will be laughing tomorrow. . . As I was thinking I felt a vibration from my under area.

I look behind me to see a smirking Kokichi, and in his hand was a remote. I gave him a pleading look. I actually like this class. But then he turned it on. "y/n your making a noise, are you okay?" My classmate Shuichi whispered to me. "You look really pretty by the way." "Ah~ haha yup I feel great, amazing even." I accidentally moaned so I laughed to hide it. I moved trying to find a position that wouldn't make much noise. The vibration was driving me crazy. I started to sweat as I felt the vibrator move faster.  Kokichi must be enjoying this. "Are you sure your okay? Your face is red and your sweating a lot." I gave him a nod showing I was okay. I was trying desperately not to moan. Suddenly the vibrations stop. I sighed in relief.  The rest of the class went normally and since it was the last class of the day, I would be free... or so I thought.

"y/n come with me to my dorm." I did as he said, I couldn't be bothered to say shit to him. Had that urge to kill him tho.


That's it. "No." "I said strip y/n, I want my vibrator back." "Or I can go to the bathroom and get it out for you." I suggested. "You could do that bit I would prefer if get naked in front of me." I sighed. "Do I have to?" "Yep." And so I started to strip. In front of my best friend.  Yep what a day. As I was about to take off my pants, I felt a pair of lips on mine. Kokichi was kissing me. Kokichi was kissing ME. OMG KOKICHI WAS KISSING ME. I was shocked so I didn't kiss back but if I wasn't I totally would have. I mean come on ITS KOKICHI OUMA. He's a hot asshole.

"y/n your taking too long, I guess I gotta help you." He started to kiss my neck as his fingers slid down to take my pants off. He took the vibrator out. You thought it was over but he slid a finger in. He played with my clit as You moaned our his name. She could see it but she knew he was smirking. Before you knew it he had taken his pants off too. "y/n~ are you ready?" You looked down to see his large member, you gulped yet nodded. He slowly put himself in and waited for me to adjust to his size. "Ahh... Kokichi~" he took that as a sigh and started to thrust his dick inside you. He went at a pretty fast pace but not to fast as he knew it  was your first time and he didn't want to hurt you. Your eyes rolled back as you moaned his name continuously. "F-fuck y/n your so tight." He looked at your lewd face and smiled. Kokichi kissed you as his thrust became slopper. You came, your pussy clenching onto his dick. A few more thrusts and he came too.

He got a tissue and cleaned the mess you both made. "Mmm y/n this was the best birthday gift you could have ever given me.."

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