Kokichi x Shy! Reader

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This request was made by Stayinblue_26 Non-despair AU


"(Y/N) what would you do if I asked you out?" Kokichi asked me.

"W-what? W-well I d-don't know?" I stuttered playing with my hands.

"Calm down I'm only joking"



(Y/N) what would you do if I kissed you?" Kokichi asked me.

"W-why would y-you ask me that?" I blushed.

"Just wondering"


It was class and I was doing my work when someone threw a note at me.

'What would you do if I said that I wanted to fuck you' - Kokichi

"W-WHAT?" I shouted by accident.

"Detention for you (Y/N)!"

"Sorry sir" I bowed, then I took my seat.

Kokichi put his hand up. "Yes Kokichi"

"Fuck you, sir" he said in the most natural tone.

"What! Detention!"

Kokichi sat down and gave me a sly wink. I blushed and looked away.


Nobody's pov

(Y/N) was in detention, with Kokichi. The teacher left locking the door. Kokichi approached her.

"So (Y/N) what's your answer?" He asked the timid girl.

You could feel her cheeks burning out of embarrassment. "Kokichi what the hell?"

Kokichi only Chuckled as he sat on your desk. He grabbed your shoulders, making escape impossible.

"Shhhh, you don't need to speak, you won't have time~" Kokichi kept his seductive tone, and left the desk only to get closer to you. Your faces were inches apart, and before you could react physically his lips were on yours.

You jumped in shock and silently gasped, giving the male an opportunity to snake his tongue into your mouth. It felt... heavenly. You could feel your body reacting favorably, and you even ended up kissing back, causing Kokichi to make it rougher Your arms wrapped around his neck instinctually, and his hands ran up and down your midsection. Running out of air, the kiss was parted and you were both left panting for air.

"I knew you loved me" he said to her. She was a blushing mess. "(Y/N)?"

"Y-yeah?" She answered.

"Do you love me?" He whispered in her ear before licking it.

"Y-yeah" you jumped in her seat out of shock.

"Do you promise not to lie to me?" He asked

"Shouldn't I be asking you that?" (Y/N) said.

"I love you. Why would I lie to you?"

"True. Alright i promise not to lie to you"

"Good" he grabbed your hand and made you sit on his lap. "Before I came to this school everyone I knew was a lier. That's all I knew what to do. I didn't know anything else." He sighed then smiled. "I was told by my girlfriend that she was lying to protect me from heartbreak. She was right. She lied about cheating on me. That did break my heart."

(Y/N) felt sympathy for him.
"Well I'm not her" she said to him.  She gave him a sympathetic smile. He returned the gesture. Soon his smile turned into a smirk.

"Imagine if we were at my place?" He whispered to her.

That's it fellow readers.

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