Yandere Kokichi 🍋

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This is going to contain rape, you have been warned. This was a request by Umau_Nitaru45 Also why does this song fit kokichi?


Y/N Pov

I was trapped. This wasn't supposed to happen.  I was supposed to help him. Not to make him more crazy.

{A few months ago}

Kokichi Ouma. He was apparently mentally insane and unstable.  I was y/n
l/n the ultimate therapist. It was my job to help him recover. 

"Hi I'm y/n l/n.  Its nice to meet you Kokichi" i smiled at him. "What are you supposed to be my therapist or something?" "Yes actually" he smirked and moved closer to me. "Do you really think you can help me y/n?" I nod. That's how it happened.  He was surprising open about his life. Poor soul he was so lonely. I felt pity for him.

{Back to the present}

His gang came and busted him out of the insane asylum. He killed everyone but kidnapped me. I don't understand why.  I was tied up with a cloth on my mouth. "Ah~ y/n your finally awake." He came inside the room. I looked away. "Tch y/n look at me." I refused to look at the monster. He placed a hand under my chin and forced me to look up at him. He smiled crazily. I started crying. "Aww please don't cry." He took off the cloth. "K-koichi please l-let me go"i begged him. "Why would I do that hm? Your mine y/n " "K-kokichi I have a b-boyfriend" his face showed anger at my statement. "Who cares about that geezer. Your mine y/n. Tell me are you a Virgin or did he take it?" I stayed silent. "Tch he hasn't even you marked you yet you still call him your boyfriend?" "I-i love him" he kissed me. I bit his lip. "y/n you naughty girl. I was going to be gentle with you as it's your first time but I guess you want it to be rough." I started to cry again.  He was biting my neck leaving bruises and hickeys. It was hard trying to contain my moans. "You know if you moan I might not cum inside you~" he then started to kiss my neck again. "Ahh~" I started to moan not wanting to get pregnant.  I could feel him smirk as he kept on marking me. "Good girl~" he then started to undress me. My face was red from the current situation.  "You won't be needing this." He said as he took of my bra. I felt exposed to him. No one has seen that part of me before. He then started to suck and bite my right breast while running his fingers in circles to my other. I was a moaning mess. I could feel that I was getting wet. He then switched giving equal treatment to the other.  "I've pleasured you enough.  It's now your turn." He started to unbuckle his pants and took off his boxers. "Open wide y/n ~" I opened my mouth and he stuck it in. I began twirling my tongue around the top. "Gah~ y/n your such a good girl~" he grabbed my head and started to gag me. I sucked and gagged until I felt a warm liquid in my mouth.  "I want to see my cum" I opened my mouth and showed him, some falling from my mouth.  "y/n you look so hot right now. Swallow it."I did as he said. There was no point to tell him to stop because I knew he wouldn't. There was no point. He started to take my panties off.  "Since you bit my hand, I'm not going to show you any mercy. " he put his gigantic member inside and didn't give me any time to adjust to his size. I begged him to stop but that only made him go faster. Suddenly the pain turned into pleasure. "A-ah~ Kokichi ~" I started to moan his name. "Moan for Daddy y/n " "Gah~ kokichi please go harder please go faster ah~" he smirked and started to go harder and faster.  He then hit a spot that made my walls tighten.  "A-ah y/n this much be your sweet spot. I can feel you tighten around my cock. Tell me y/n who do you belong to ~" "Kokichi"i moans as he started to go in an inhumane speed. "Who?" "A-ah Kokichi " "a bit louder y/n. "Ahhh KOKICHI I BELONG TO KOKICHI  AHHH~" with that I came. "Good girl since you came it's only fair if I cum too" my eyes widened. "B-but you said that you won't cum in me of I moan." He started laughing "no I said I might not cum" he started to become sloppy with all his thrusts. He kissed me as he came. "Now your mine."

This was a bit rushed but I hope you liked it.

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