happy birthday!

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Ok so this one is going to be a little bit Kokichi X reader X Shuichi. It's his birthday today so why not.

Kokichi Pov

" Hey Ouma, we should do something for Shuichi's birthday today."

"Why though"

"Because he's our friend. And I can actually use me talent."

Meet Y/N. The Ultimate party planner. Aka my all time crush. 

"Fine but maybe we should get help from the others cuz I know I ain't going to help you with everything. After about 10 minutes I'll probably get bored."

"Yay! Okay Monokuma? Can we talk to you"

"Umpa umpa here I am. Do you need help on a murder?" That annoying little bear.

"What! No! Can you round everyone up in the Gym expect for Shuichi?"

"Sure but wouldn't he get suspicious?"

"Not unless you distract him" why does she want to hold a party for him that bad. Does she return Shuichi's feelings back. I thought me and him agreed to confess at the same time.

"I'll try but I won't make any promises"

~after some discussion about the party~

"Okay so it's settled Kokichi will distract Shuichi while everyone else helps me decorate. "

I guess I'm distracting. The things I do for Y/N. She was the first person who told me to befriend him in the first place so I did. I guess I'll do what she wants.

"Sup Shuichi" I said trying to sound cheerful which worked.

"What do you want?" He groaned.

"Listen how about we confess to Y/N today?" I said getting straight to the point.

"What? Why?" He looked at me like I was crazy.

"Because we've been keeping it a secret for a long time. If you don't confess now I'll just tell her"

"Fine but do you know where she is?"

I got distract him so...

"Uh how about we check in the Gym first?"

The party is at her dorm so I got to keep him looking for about 3 hours

~after looking all over the place expect your dorm~

3 hours have finally gone. I can finally take him to his stupid party.
" Ya know she might be in her dorm room?"

"Oh so now you think it's a good time to check her room but whenever I suggest it you go and check another room"

"Quit whining get walking"

3rd person.

Shuichi opened the door. The lights was off. He headed for the light switch and when he turned it on "SURPRISE!"
everyone said including Kokichi.

"Happy birthday Shuichi!" Y/N said.

This made him smile.

"Now let's PARTY!" She said.


"Hey Y/N Kokichi and I have something to tell you" Shuichi said.

"In private" Kokichi added.

"Okay" they got out of her dorm and went to the cafeteria.

"So what do you guys want to tell me?"

"Webothlikeyou!" They boys exclaimed in unison. Y/N flushed red. She liked them both back. That was a problem.

"I like you both too but I don't think I could decide who I like the most"

"We can share" they both said.


"Yup" Kokichi said. Shuichi noded in agreement.

"Okay then sign me up for the polyamory." (An: I think that's how you spell it)

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