suicidal Kokichi x suicidal y/n

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Warning; this may be triggering to some people. I also want you to know I'm here if you want to talk. It's okay to be not okay.

Non despair au

Kokichi's Pov

Today's the day. I sent my goodbye letters to everyone except y/n. Because she knew where I'd be.

3 years ago

I was going to my normal spot whenever I felt lonely or sad. Being a liar has it perks. Noone can tell how your feeling.

It was an abandoned park. No one really went there. At the end of the park is the woods. People say woods are scary however it's my comfort place.

However as soon as I came to my destination, I saw a girl with beautiful h/c hair and a gorgeous pair of e/c eyes

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However as soon as I came to my destination, I saw a girl with beautiful h/c hair and a gorgeous pair of e/c eyes. I sat down beside her and sighed.

"Is this your spot too?" She asked. Her voice was soft.

"Yeah, I come here when I don't feel like going home" she looked at me and examined my face. She looked confused. "How come your wearing a contact in one eye?"

"Why should I tell you? Your a stranger."

"You don't need to... however opening up to a stranger is sometimes a good thing" she smiled.

I thought about what she said. I might as well tell her. I don't know when was the last time I vented out to someone. I took out my contact. "Woah, your eyes they're so beautiful"

 "Woah, your eyes they're so beautiful"

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I scoffed. "You say that, then there are people who bully me for it." 

"Then they don't know what really beauty is."

And from that day we were each other's therapist.

Each other's best friends

Each other's lovers

Each other's everything

However everything changed when miu iruma decided to get the whole class on me and tell me my worst qualities. It made me realise that I'm not good enough. I'm not good enough to be breathe. I'm not good enough to eat. I'm not good enough for y/n. I should just kill myself.

Which is what happening right now.

I was about to jump into the river, funfact I cant swim.

"Kokichi Ouma you come down right now" I heard a angelic voice. I turned around to see the love of my life crying

"y/n your supposed to be at the hospital right now?"

"Just so you can kill yourself?  Come on Kokichi, we'll talk and get things over with. We'll make things happy, Kokichi please don't go"

I didn't listen, I couldn't.

y/n's pov;

Before I knew it, he was gone. He left me. Alone.

13 years later

Kokichi's pov;

I was walking when I saw an angel near where my father died.

"Your an angel!" I said to the girl

She laughed and shook her head" nope I'm far from that"

"Yes you are. My mother said that people with cuts are Angel's that accidentally fell from heaven. And that they are trying hard to go back there, because this world treats them horribly." I remembered those words from my mother.

She smiled, "your mother seems like a nice person"

I smiled back. "She was. She told me that my dad was angel and he went back to heaven on the day i was born. When I was 5 she decided to go back to him"

"oh I'm sorry to hear that"

"don't worry, they were both great people and I'm proud to have my father's name."

"What's your name?"

"Kokichi ouma"

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