innocent y/n! 🍋

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One of the 5 requests. Killing game au, however the mastermind is Kokichi. Request by JustCritclHappiness idk what this is honestly.


Also I love reading your comments so don't be shy comment more >3

Yes I do read all the comments okay don't judge me.

Lol I had the idea from a smutbook I read. Very smexy.

Kokichi's POV.

Sigh, I swear to God y/n is soo annoying. When she wasn't in the killing game she use to be so positive, caring and loving. She use to donate to charity regularly and was just an amazing person. Well what would you expect from the ultimate Optimist and my girlfriend? Yep you heard that right. y/n is my girlfriend, well she was. I decided to keep her personality yet make her forget everything about me. I thought we would fall in love again but boy how wrong was I. She keeps on comforting everyone around her and gives the hope. Whenever I prank her she never gets mad. She also seems to be stupid as she cant take a hint. But now that was all about to change. As a horny male I decided to announce something as the mastermind this morning. Just to have a little fun with this game. I said that if you don't fuck someone tonight you will be executed. Ik fun!

It was fun until Shuichi asked my y/n to have it with her. Which brings us here.

"y/n umm you know about the announcement this morning I was wondering if you would..."

y/n had a tiny blush on her face. I don't know if it was because of Shuichi or because he asked in front of everyone.

"Sure?" She said. I came up from behind and hugged her. "y/n~ you can't agree to that When you already agreed to be mine~"

saihara left, looking a bit disappointed but I didn't care. This was my moment, not his. I smiled as I dragged her into my room.

"Kokichi what was that about?" She asked.

"y/n your always so innocent and loving and well I really like that about you... what I'm trying to say is that I really love you" I just realized what I said and covered my mouth. "I mean like, I really like you!" She smiled and kissed me. I put my arms around her waist and kissed back smiling into the kiss. I finally have my y/n back. "Oh sorry I don't know what came over me i-" I didn't let her finish as I threw her, softly, on the bed. "Its okay y/n now is what I'm about to do to you okay? I don't want to do anything without your consent" she blushed and nodded. I kissed her neck as she moaned. Its been a while since I've done this...

I moved my hand to her dresses zipper and took it off. She squealed and looked away. I chuckled as I took of her bra. She quickly moved her hands to cover herself. "y/n don't do that, your beautiful" I said as I pinned her hands. I started to kiss her chest, then sucked her nipple. My tongue wrapped around it."GaH Kokichi!" I gave the other, the same treatment and started kissing down. Her breath hitched as I took off her panties. "Oh My ahh~" she groaned as started to eat her. I licked her insides, then kissing it. Her hands went on my hair causing me to chuckle. I carried on doing this until she came. "S-sorry" she apologised. "Don't worry, you taste delicious." I said licking my lips. I unbuckled my pants and stared at her. She nodded showing that she is fine with me putting my member in her.

"Ah! It hurts!" I smiled and hummed sweet things in her ear saying that it'll get better. I started moving when she started to moan. I started slowly then went fast then went slow. y/n started to cry from the pleasure.

She came and a few minutes after so did I. Of course i pulled out, imagine not having a strong pullout game....embarrassing

I gave her neck kisses as she fell a sleep.

I also have a lot of executions to prepare for those virgins.

Kokichi = Coochieman

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