Mastermind Kokichi x Deredere reader

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I've been on hiatus if you guys haven't noticed but I'm back now so get ready for updates. Request made by hifumi_yanada


Kokichi's  Pov

Y/N, F/N L/N. That girl... I absolutely despise her. How she is so positive? Like the despair isn't affecting her? She's so nice I hate it. I hate her smile, I hate her voice and how sweet it is, I hate how her E/C eyes shine bright, I hate her. Who am I kidding? I love her. She is so important to me for some reason, I love the way she thinks positively and how I can make it disappear. I am the ultimate despair. I want to break her, to make her lose her faith.

"Kokichi? You in there?"

"Gah! Y/N you scared me." She just giggled in response. I couldn't help but smile to myself.

"It's your fault! I've been calling for ages, today seems normal don't you think?" Oh that's what you think.

I had a devilish smirk on. "Yep, today is totally normal, speaking of today, you promised that you would hang out with me." "Oh yes I remember, what did you want to do?" She asked me. "Just follow me..." just like a puppet she followed me. It was at 7:09 pm. "Kokichi you haven't said what we are doing?" I ignored her, I looked around to see if anyone was nearby. The coast was clear, I took my chance and put a hand over her mouth. She was knocked out.

Y/N Pov.

I opened my eyes, trying to get used to the light. I was tied up to a chair. I tried to remember what had happened but had no luck. "Morning Y/N~" said a familiar voice. Then it hit me. I was walking with Kokichi in the corridor and then he put his hand over my mouth, he had some sheet that knocked me out. "Kokichi what is going on? Are you going to kill me? I thought we were friends?" "I'm not going to kill you Y/N. Why would I do that? I'm just going to help you see the truth about this world." His pupils started to swirl. I never saw this side of him before, I was scared. My face most likely showed it. "W-what are you?" He started laughing like a maniac. "I'm the ultimate despair!" He's the mastermind? Why would he betray us like that? "Why?" I whispered. "Ah no questions, just watch this." He got this device that keeps my eyes open. Then a video started playing, it was playing with my mind. What I was seeing couldn't be true! I started to scream. "Have fun Y/N" just like that he left me to suffer.


"I'm back~" there he was. Our saviour Kokichi Oma. He's going to save us, save me from hope. "Let's get you out of these" he unstrapped me from the chair and got the eye thing off. As soon as I was free, I gave him a hug. "I missed you master"

Kokichi's Pov

"I missed you master~" Y/N said as she hugged me. I patted her head. It seemed like my plan worked. She finally sees how hope ruins everything. It makes me love her more. "I missed you too Y/N." "Will you save me master?" I made her look up at me by putting a finger under her chin. "Of course I will, I love you don't I? You love me too right?" "Yes, Kokichi I love you." "Good girl now when you get back to the others act completely normal okay? If anyone is planning anything tell me." "Yes master"

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