Christmas special

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I don't celebrate Christmas however that doesn't mean I won't make a special for all you readers who do. This will not be a lemon because this is about Christmas and we will stay holy okay. This is going to be posted early as a early gift for you all! Hope you enjoy! This was a request by  KMLRabbit Dank_kalimary

Theme: Kokichi meets your ex. (Shit is about to go down.) Okay so I am about to tell you some fanfition logic. Monokuma is your ex. Yes the bear Monokuma. Basically He was a human before the killing game. Junko came in and turned him into a bear and only on Christmas Eve and day can he turn back human again. Logic okay? Okay. Now before you see Monokuma as a human you must promise to stay loyal to Kokichi. Say it with me " I will stay loyal to my one and only true love Kokichi Ouma" now that you said that...

Here is a pic of you and Monokuma:

Here is a pic of you and Monokuma:

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Now let's carry on shall we?

YN Pov.

It was Christmas Eve morning. Last week all of us made a promise, including Monokuma, saying that none of us will kill eachother until Christmas is over. We had everything decorated. I headed for the canteen to meet everyone their. "Hey YN! Merry Christmas!"

"It's not Christmas yet Kokichi." I smiled and took a seat next to him. "Have you seen Monokuma?" I asked. His smile faded and looked at me sadly. "Why do you want to know?" "I just wanted to say thank you for letting us hold a Christmas party." When I said that someone walked through the door. "Who is that?" Kiibo exclaimed.

"Heya little bastards" that sounded like Monokuma. I turned around to see... MY EX! I stood up from my seat. "What are you doing here?" "Aw I've always been here. You are quite blind since my name never changed. Did I really looked that different?" All eyes was on us. "How?" "How what?" "How did you turn into a bear?" "Oh the first mastermind used some gaget on me, ya know the usual." The usual? This only happens in animes or fanfics.
"So did you miss me?" He asked as he approached me. "Why would I?" He pouted and said "don't be like that" don't be like that? He has some nerves saying that to me. "Says the one who breaks up in text." I couldn't look him in the eye when I said that. There was silence and then a loud sound of someone sipping tea. "Ah now that was good tea. Now" Kokichi stood up and stood Infront of me. "How the fuck do you break up with someone over text? Do you know how much that would hurt? You should have shame to break up with an amazing girl. She doesn't deserve you" there was around of applause. Monokuma just stood there with a bored look. "What if I never broke up with her?" "What!?" Me and Kokichi said at the same time. He pushed Kokichi anyway and made me face him by grabbing my chin. "Listen I never broke up with you. That was all the first mastermind. She turned me into a bear and took my phone. I had no idea that she would do that. Fucking bitch." He pulled me into a forced hug. I couldn't help but cry. I loved this guy with all my heart. I would do anything for him. "I still love you. It's hard for me seeing you with others guys especially Kokichi when I know you belong to me. I love you YN." "I loved you. I'm sorry but I think it's been to long." "I agree with that." Kokichi added on. He let go of me. "We'll see about that." He gave Kokichi a death stare and left. I don't know what that was about but whatever.

Kokichi's pov.

The manwhore- I mean Monokuma gave me a death stare and left. Oh it is on. First one to make YN fall in love with them wins the title of her boyfriend.

Round one

I was in the kitchen with a manga. I totally wasn't checking out YN as she made the cake.
"Hey Kokichi would you mind helping me out?" "Yes I would mind" she pouted and was about to carry on when a evil brat- I mean when Monokuma came in. "Oh YN I however would love to help." I gave him a glare as he smirked at me. He went behind her and "Nevermind I would gladly help. You can fuck off." I said as I grabbed his hand and stopped him touching YN. "Kokichi don't say such bad things" ugh did she just defend him. One point for him. "I'm sorry YN" "it's fine." I went behind her, took her hands, used them to grab an egg and cracked it. She was a blushing mess. One point for helping her and another point for making her blush. This time I smirked at him as he glared at me. "Hey enough with the staring." She said as she blew flower on my face. "Oh you are so dead." I grabbed a handful of flower and through it at her. Next thing you know we were having a fight. We looked at each other and started laughing. I love this girl with all my heart. She deserves better than that jerk. She deserves the world. She is my world. I want to give her everything.

Round two

So far I have 2 points and he has 1.

YN and I were talking when bitchface- I mean when Monokuma came in. "Hey YN remember how you confessed your feelings for me?" Oh I see. He wants a blush contest, he will get a blush contest. She was a bit red, barely noticeable but it was their. "Oh yeah I remember. We were hanging out and it just came out. Turns out you liked me back and we started dating." She explained. "Hey YN remember that time when you tripped on top of me and we nearly kissed?" I said, feeling a bit proud that I made her blush more than he did. "Well YN do you remember how I stole your first kiss? I made sure I left a mark on you." "Y-yeah" She was blushing like a tomato. I didn't want to say this but I guess it has come to this. "YN remember how I walked in on you when you were in your underwear. Oh I liked how it was lace." "What!" Monokuma shouted. I don't think he had the pleasure seeing her like that. " Yes but c-can y-you not bring it up" I made her blush brighter than a tomato. I win. I gave him a smirk making him acknowledge my victory. If looks could kill I would be dead by now.

Final round

It was time for the party. We all just so wore our casual wear. "Hey Kokichi!" "Hey Y/N! Whatcha doing?" "Umm I'm talking to you? Hey can I ask you a question?" "Sure, ask away." She took a deep breath and spat out "what is up with you and Monokuma? You guys are acting strange, especially you." Shit. Should I tell her? "AHH LOOK, YN AND KOKICHI ARE STANDING UNDER A MISELTOE!!!" Someone shouted. All eyes were on us. I could feel Monokuma's glare from the back of my head causing me to smirk. "You know what that means don't you YN?" She gave me a nod. We leaned in and kissed. It was a short kiss however it felt like heaven to me. "So what now?" She asked me. "Well how about we give it a try?" She smiled and nodded.


A body has been discovered.....

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