prince!Kokichi x Cook!reader

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Hi besties😩👋

Lol um idk past time au-

Also what if I made a Shuichi Saiharderdaddy oneshot book? I do have some ideas...

Anyway onto the oneshot.

y/n Pov;

Working for prince Kokichi can be troublesome but it was worth it. Normally he would insult me and just be fucking rude but when we were alone he praise me and compliment in a violent way. I don't know how to explain it but his compliments would sound something like this. "I guess your food isn't that bad." or "your not as ugly as the other people round here"

Eventually he started acting like this infront of the others. I was already his personal cook because he refused to eat others cooking because they tasted more worse than my cooking. Apparently my cooking was the only thing that he can stand to eat.

Though he acts like a spoiled bitch he still somehow has my heart.

But there's no use.

"y/n? y/n? Hello are you there?" The squire, Shuichi said.

"Oh yeah! Good morning Shuichi" I bowed to show respect.

He rolled his eyes. "Come on now y/n. We're best friends at this point, you don't need to do that"

Oh I know but it's still kinda funny how annoyed he gets when I do that.

"Anyway I'm here because you got a letter." He said. He waved goodbye and went to do some errands.

The letter was from my mother. I sighed already knowing that whatever is going to be on here isn't going to be good.

(Cries in mommy issues)

"Dear y/n

You must come back to us as we have found you a good suitor. You are of age and a wedding is a must.
Unless you have found an appropriate groom you shall come.

Best regards 
                       M/n L/n"

I sighed. I'm guessing I have a week.

"Whose the letter from?"

"Gah! Your highness what are you doing here" I bowed frantically as I saw that it was Kokichi.

"Its my palace, of course I would be here. Now who sent you that letter?" He asked with a mischievous grin.

I quickly hide the letter. "No one" I blush as I see how close we are. I took a step backwards but he kept coming close.

"Its obviously important if you had to hide it that quickly" he said. He then started to try and get the letter from me, and as it was the right thing to do, I ran away form the midget. As I was running I ran into the knight, Rantaro Amami. "Oh my, sorry little lady y/n. He said helping up. I didn't realise that I had dropped my letter.

"y/n~ you gotta be more careful" Kokichi said catching up to me. He saw Rantaro and pouted "y/n your supposed to fall for me not some avocado looking ass" he said causing me to chuckle. He smiled but quickly hid it.

"y/n don't you need to make Kokichi his dinner?" The knight said. Realization hit me and I said goodbye and ran straight to the kitchen.

Rataro pov;

"Pfft you really like her don't you?" I asked the prince aka my childhood best friend.

"I don't know what your talking about." He asked clearly in denial.

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