Freddy's Pizzeria

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*No one's pov*

A normal day at Freddy's Pizzeria, Bryan the owner of the pizzeria hangs out with the animatronics before playing some mini games before going home.

It's been like this for a long time and every animatronic is use to it by now. It's a normal thing to see Bryan coming in greeting everyone like he would before getting into some kind of trouble weather it be telling Molten to back off or go away or just some disagreement that Bryan has about him being the owner of the pizzeria.

Today it's one of those days were Bryan "accidentally" eardrops on a conversation with Molten and Springtrap. He doesn't stick around for a long time so they don't get suspicious but he's heard enough of the conversation to know that the two are planning something and it ain't going to be good.

Bryan goes and asks people if they want to play mini games before Molten and Springtrap come back. The running animatronics agree and they all head into the portal. Springtrap and Molten come back to a empty pizzeria and they get frustrated by the fact that they were left out. Well not really their more frustrated that the other animatronics and Bryan aren't under their watchful eye at the moment.

*Molten's pov*

I'm pissed, it was probably Bryan's idea of go into the portal and ditch me and Springtrap here. I sighed as I walked back to the vents and waited for them to come back which didn't take too long but I bet you they had a whole days worth of fun in there not that I care I only care about keeping my eyes on the prize which is the inhalation of the animatronics of this pizzeria and become Ennard again.

However seeing I probably won't be able to get Baby without using force I'll have to backstabe Springtrap in some way but then again he's not easily betrayed.

Bryan's and the others soon came back laughing about something that I wasn't interested in but laughs were cut short by Springtrap.

"You left without me or Molten!" He yelled

"Ya so what it's not like you need to tell us what to do in mini games." Bryan said as he talked back at Springtrap.

"That's not the problem the problem is that you went in there without supervision." Springtrap said to make up an excuse.

"Hey I'm an adult I can supervise. We don't always need you or Molten around." Bryan said which o knew pissed off Springtrap.

I watched as the animatronics broke up the fight by making Bryan go home and keeping Springtrap away from him. Fun times, fun times, we got to have them.

*Bryan's pov*

I went home to my decently sized house. It's not big but its not small either but that's fine. I unlock the door and walk in taking off my shoes as I put my keys in a little bowl on a table top in the front before I went to the kitchen and started to cook myself some food.

I began to think through all the things I said and the actions I have took and the words that have been said to me. I sighed as I finished cooking and sat down to eat. I look at my food before starting to eat. Eating and drinking is essential but....sleep isn't. If I don't sleep then I can get a lot of work done and I need to change my attitude so that they wouldn't be mean about things.

I smiled as I thought of different things before Molten came back into my mind. Oh ya I still have to deal with them. I got up and went down to my work area and looked over my tools. I also picked up some books and looked at them.

That's what I need to do! I'll keep a diary on me at all times and it'll have the information of what I've been up to lately. It is a good idea but is someone were to get it.... No I need it to keep my goals and thoughts for this process.

I got up and went to the store and bought myself a diary and pencils and good erasers. I don't trust the erasers on the pencils so....ya. I drive back home and start looking around my home.

I start making a list of things I'll need for this next project I've got. I also started a list of books that would be good to get because they could help me make an animatronic. I sighed as I finished up the list and turned a couple of pages just in case I need to expand the list.

Date: **/**/**

I have heard enough to know that something bad is going to happen. Most would do something about it but slowly, not me. I'm going to finish this ordeal even if it kills me.

I'm going to make an animatronic and a shock gun a very powerful one that why Molten won't be able to stand up to me. It will definitely be strong enough to set off the springlocks on afton so he'll be stuck in a tight spot while I get Molten.

Molten's different from afton I can change him but I need to get rid of afton for good. That's what I'll do I'll tamper with the portal until I get what I want and I'll do it in secret. Molten my be able to work the portal but I can learn as well.

Day 1 of project Removal and Change

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