The Animatronic Moved

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*Molten's pov*

To think that Bryan was working on an animatronic. I bet it's poorly done but then again as much as the other tease him about being bad at things he's good a a few things. Now as much as I hate him he's apart of the plan so we need him alive.

"God damn it!" I looked over at Springtrap who had put a hole in the wall of our secret base that I can give us access to through the portal. Yes the place Bryan found rs Freddy in.

"What. You? Worried that the first I said." I said

"Shut up Molten. It's clear Bryan has a plan that involves us and he clearly thinks he's not going to make it out alive. And now he has a hand made animatronic so it's not like I have control over it like I do the other animatronics." Springtrap said

"Why so worried all we have to do is knock him out. Maybe pull a few nails to get the memo out and he'll change his mind you know how he is." I said

"Tsk. That the problem ever since that change in his behavior he's gotten confident. He'll most likely try to come again." Springtrap said and I chuckled to myself.

"Let him try to." I said

"Overestimating him huh" Springtrap said

"Are you seriously scared of him? Like that badly. Ya know who knows Maybe I could lecture him about the part things that happened in the pizzeria." I said moving across the room

"Don't you dare. I'd like to keep him clueless." Springtrap said

I decided to leave at that point. When I came out of the portal every animatronic was charging. I smiled as I walked to the nearest vent and entered it.

I see so that was the list huh. Supplies for an animatronic your making. Is that why you have so many injuries? Your overworking yourself I've basically exposed yourself. Pathetic, it'll be choosing day soon anyways so I hope your ready. BRYAN

*Bryan's pov*

Empty, that's what it was.

#Battery percentage 43%#

#^'*-/° Powering on#

I felt my eyes open but I wasn't at home. I looked around before I heard another thing in my head.

#Accessing sound. Scanning area.#

I heard things a few seconds later I heard voices. Animatronics voices, they sounded like... Jon's animatronics. I moved slightly feeling stiff for a little bit but then I got it.

I looked around I saw something green with like line structures. They went away after a bit and I looked around then at myself. I slowly came to the realization of something and I panicked.

I was in my incomplete animatronic. I stepped back a couple bits before falling but I broke my fall by grabbing some boxes but of course that made a lot of noises. I got up and moved as quickly as I could and went behind some more boxes. Hopefully I wasn't seen.

Please tell me I wasn't seen. I waited and I heard voices to I tried to listen as closely as I possibly could.

"I'm serious Jon it's gone. Bryan's incomplete animatronic is gone....ya I'll be waiting....oh course I'll keep a look out." I heard Spring Bonnie say over a phone

"Ok guys I know you guys saw an incomplete animatronic being brought here. That animatronic is clearly on the loose or someone took it which I doubt but still keep a look out." Spring Bonnie said as he walked off.

I would take a deep breath but animatronics don't breath, but still I'm currently in my animatronic which means I died? Wait is that why I felt so much pain, why I passed out, why I saw my body and had the urge to move it. Wait no I can still hear it, the sound of a beeping.

A heart monitor, I'm alive but at the same time am an animatronic? What is going on? I don't understand like I know I was going to leave a bit of myself so that if I dead while fighting off Molten and Springtrap I would still be around, but... Oh god.

I got up and looked around before carefully walking and looked at the spot I woke up at. I saw a partly open box so I fully opened it and saw my tools and blueprints of my animatronic. I picked up the box and hid it. I looked around a bit more and found everything else that I was using to make my animatronic.

I'll need all of these if I'm going to escape with everything. No I won't escape I'll just take back, these are all technically mine I took the time and money to buy them after all.

When I was done moving the boxes I walked out only to see Spring Bonnie. I stare at me. I tried to open my mouth but it was slightly jammed.

"I gotta call Jon." Spring Bonnie said

I reached out to him and he stopped mid way of pressing the call button. Slowly I grabbed my jaw and tried to open it and Spring Bonnie stopped me gently removing my hand. He went and grabbed a screwdriver and felt around and I tapped at the jaw point. He did something and I moved my jaw.

"D#¢/ €e|| J#n" (don't call Jon) I said before realizing I hadn't finished the voice box.

"Man I'm sorry I can't understand you but wow that's a broken voice box. I can fix it." Spring Bonnie said and I backed away.

"N¢! Oπ/¥ &r¥@n (aπ f;× m¥ √∆;ce" (No! Only Bryan can fix my voice) I said backing up to the back corner and then for some reason I felt like shutting off. How do I know what that feels like. I closed my eyes and soon everything went black.

I guess I'm an animatronic and a human...

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