Oil and Blood Part 1

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⚠️(Warning blood and possible triggers and gore in the next few chapters)⚠️

*Davis's pov*

We made it to Bryan's Pizzeria and Jon went running through the doors. I walked in smiling. I found Jon and Bryan hugging on the floor while the animatronics have them space. If I'm going to be honest this is the first time I think I have seen Bryan's animatronics move around like this now only that but Afton or Springtrap is out and about.

I was a bit surprised about how afton looked he's definitely not the same as AI afton or Spring Bonnie. Lefty went back to his stage and the other animatronics went to the back room.

I sat down next to Bryan who was humming softly while Jon cried. Jon has always been the type to never show this weaker side of him. He's always strong and on going so seeing him crying and being comforted is still new to me.

"Hey Davis thanks." Bryan said

"For what?"

"For looking after Jon. I mean I would probably act this way as well if I found out Jon hasn't slept in a long time and passed out on his way back home ya know." Bryan said and I simply nodded understand what he meant

"On a serious note what happened? I mean your normal now but what happened when you did that whole mood change." Jon asked

"You guys don't know do you... Well Springtrap and Molten have been causing trouble around here and I happened to hear a prank of their that would have taken things to far. So to protect the animatronics I....I geuss I lashed out a bit and changed, but the prank wasn't pulled so I guess it's fine." Bryan said

He had a strange confidence that almost hid the lieing tone in his voice, but I've been around jon long enough to know what time is honest and which tone is lies. Jon has always been good and hiding lies but I've learned.

"Alright some of that is true and some of that is a lie what's going on Bryan?" I asked

Bryan's smiled innocently before tears ran down his face. His smile got wider as he cried. It made by heart sink seeing him like this.

"If I told you guys the truth it would be the end for every animatronic here. Including me and it could hurt you two I'm not going to risk anyone's life." Bryan said which left me and Jon shocked as Bryan got up.

"It was nice seeing you again Jon Davis but I believe it's time to shut down the pizzeria for today." Bryan said as he wiped away the tears from his face.

I knew to keep my mouth shut because I knew Bryan wasn't kidding. I took Jon outside and we both go in the car and waved Bye to Bryan before driving away.

"How many?" Jon asked


"How many secrets do you think Bryan has?" Jon asked

"Probably too many knowing him he's better at hiding things they you are. Let's just hope most of those Secrets he can someday tell us." I said

"Ya...well at least he's ok." Jon said as he took a deep breath.

"Ya think of the positives." I said smiling as he got back to Jon's house.

Stay safe

*Bryan's pov*

I got home and I dropped my stuff before I leaned in to door and slid down into a crying mess. My smile faded away and I felt a deep emptiness in my chest.

Bad business owner

Trouble maker

Why can't you just listen

I shifted a bit before looking up and letting a weak laugh slip out of my mouth. I sat there for I don't know how long but I soon got up and went down to the basement.bi turned on the lights and saw the endo skeleton of my animatronic.

I looked over and saw the face plates that are supposed to go on. I pick up the complete piece and held it up to the endo skeleton. I smiled before I set it down again and got back to working.

I'll die but I'll leave an AI of myself here. Like Spring Bonnie he'll have all the information that I have had and he can explain to Jon and Davis and all the animatronics.

I smiled as I grabbed another titanium piece of metal and began to forge it into the shape I wanted it. I was going to make this Animatronic strong like Molten. That way it won't break easily or be torn apart.

I continued to work and make adjustments to the plates before I came over to the endo skeleton and checked it. I did some programing and made sure the endo skeleton functioned before calling it a night.

I checked everything and made sure that I had my tools put away. I was about to walk out when I accidentally tripped over a metal sheet and out of reflexes I tried to grab something sturdy but that was a mistake. Oil slipped out and I hit my head on the metal table which held my tools.

I hit the ground pain flared up through my face and I raised my oily hand to my face which was a horrible reflex because now I have oil mixed in on the cut over my eye.

I held back a scream as I slammed my fist on the ground splashing a bit of oil around. Blood dripped down from my face getting mixed in with the oil.

I grab the side of the desk I hit and tried to get up but I only slipped down and this time cut my hand.

I felt tears stream down my face as I cried. I layed there for about a minute before opening my good eye and reached out and dragged myself across the ground. I made it to the door before I got up ignoring the pain.

I closed the door and made my way to the sink that I have for washing up. I washed off my hands before leaning forward and started washing the oil off my face. Soon got the oil off my wounds but with no doubt oil had gotten into my blood. Now I have oil mixed with a time bit of blood in me and I don't know how that's going to work out.

I flopped onto the ground and leaned on the wall my wounds still didn't stop bleeding a nd I knew I need to stop it before it got to bad that I couldn't walk around.

I bit my own tongue and in hope that maybe I could get my mind off the pain. I worked but for a short bit and I can't completely bite off my tongue I still need it.

I grabbed some cloths and wrapped on around my hand tightly. I pressed the cloth on my face as I got up and went upstairs.


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