Bryan Sleep!

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*Lefty's pov*

Ok so right now we are trying to get Bryan to go to sleep but he's making it really difficult for us by going into the portal to play mini games when really he should be fast asleep. Puppet had told us that Jon visited and to look out for Bryan's sleep schedule and to be honest he looks horrible.

I mean messy hair, dark things called bags under his eyes and he seems out of it like seriously was be becoming a bat or something or trying to?

He's been running away from us even though we don't want to play the game but he does and for some reason we play along. Does Bryan really not care that much like I know he was starting to be careless a bit but I didn't think it would go this far.

Molten was the one to finally catch Bryan even though he was yelling at him the entire time we got back to the pizzeria. Molten actually locked Bryan in the empty old work area. Bryan keto banging on the door and some of the animatronics left so they didn't feel bad want want to help him. I stayed I simply told Molten to drag me out if I try to get to Bryan.

"Why would Bryan do this to himself. He's usually all up for getting life easy." I said.

"I don't know don't ask me." Molten said

"I thought you knew everything about Bryan." I said.

"Everything is an exaggeration at this point besides I don't know every little thing that happens in his little life he has back at his house. Sure I could probably spy from the cameras he's got but sometimes that doesn't work out especially in one area of his house which is just pure static if you enter it." Molten said as the banging got quieter

"Oh he's calming down. Thanks good." I said completely forgetting what Molten said.

"So you locked him up in there?"

I looked over to Springtrap holding something before tossing it to me.

"Sounds like he's hitting his fists against the door pretty hard I wouldn't be surprised if they started bleeding." Springtrap said as Baby also came in.

"Bryan will be ok right?" Baby said before a clattering sound came from the room.

"What was that?" I asked before Molten opened the door.

"Damn he's using the vents I bet he's heading up to the front. If he gets to the front I'll be the only one to be able to get to him since he could lock the doors." Molten said as he ran out.

I followed after him to find Bryan just coming out of the vents, but instead of trying to lock us in he ran outside. We was running away from the Pizzeria.

"Bryan! Wait!" I yelled before I had to stop. Bryan was too far away and we can't follow him.

"Well damn he's quick isn't he." Springtrap said.

"I can find him. You guys clean up the blood here I don't thing guests will like having blood at the front entrance it'll make it seem like something bad happened here." Molten said before he went outside to find Bryan.

"I hope he's ok." I said before I went back to my stage.

*Molten's pov*

Absolute BS, I bet you he heard me and Springtrap talking and is planning something. However I'll let him continue his little project of sorts but in order for him to complete this possible project I need him alive and well, which means he needs to sleep.

I followed the droplets of blood on the ground until I found Bryan. He was passed out in a secluded area of trees which makes this easier. I grabbed him and threw him over my shoulders before making my way back the pizzeria.

Before I entered I set him down and bandaged up his hands. I saw something poke out of his pocket so I grabbed it. It was a note to self thing.

Note to self:

Make sure to get a high powered shock battery and some welding tools.

A shock Battery and welding tools, he's definitely up to something. I put the note back before I picked him up again and walked into the pizzeria. I walked over the the group of animatronics that have taken a seat by Lefty as he sang a song so they didn't have to think of Bryan.

"Hey! Here I'm not going to deal with him anymore you can have him." I said getting everyone's attention as I dropped Bryan on the ground.

"Bryan!" Baby said as she ran over to him.

I received a hard punch from Rockstar Freddy making me take a step back as he yelled at me for dropping Bryan the way I did. Like I cared anyways but that punch pissed me off.

I went back into the vents not wanting to deal with the bunch of idiots.

I won't tell Springtrap of this possible plan you have but just know I have clues and I will figure out your plan before you even get to execute it.

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