Small Changes

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*Baby's pov*

Ok so I know that Bryan doesn't like Molten or Springtrap but being pissed off at them whenever they talk to him is weird and not normal. Actually we currently have Bryan in another room and Molten a d Springtrap in another it was like the only way to stop them form arguing and yo keep Bryan alive because a lot of us could tell Molten wasn't making a joke when he said that he would tear off Bryan's arm.

Security Puppet, Lefty, and Rockstar Freddy are with Bryan in the room with the star light stage while Molten and Springtrap are in the main room.

"Jeez he should treat me with a little more respect I mean I've done so much for him and he goes off and becomes a total ass." Springtrap said from the table.

"I'm more curious about his sudden change of attitudes when it comes to being around us. It's been a week now I would hope this is some kind of stupid faze that adult teens go through he's pissing me off." Molten said before Bryan and some other animatronics came running by.

"Hey Baby, Ballora, el Chip you coming to the portal? We're going to play mini games!" Bryan said in his usual cheerful self.

"Sure I'll come!" I said along with El Chip and Mom Molten also tagged along although this isn't going to end well is it

Bryan jumped in before Molten jumped in with me and soon enough we started Murder Mystery. It's been a favorite game around us and it's true. I mean there just something about it that makes it fun. I smiled as I saw Bryan jumping around the map his somewhat same attitude, but I have noticed that he is starting to like....obey I really don't want to use that word, but ya is like listens to us.

Like I could go up to him and be like 'hey Bryan can you get me some art stuff so I have something to draw with when it's closing time?' and he would be like sure absolutely! He wouldn't give it a second through.

Another example would be if maybe Lefty asked for a high priced guitar. Bryan would come back the next day with it he wouldn't care about the cost of it as long as Lefty was happy. Also Helpy's being trying her hardest to get into Bryan's new bank account, but she has not been successful.

Another thing I have noticed Bryan carries around a backpack wherever he goes. He also snaps at anyone who trys to get into it, like Molten for some reason Bryan gets a lot more violent were it comes to the bag. I'm really worried about him.

*Jon's pov*

Ya know getting a phone call from Spring Bonnie was not something I would get often, but a call about Bryan? Wow I have to ask myself what kind of trouble had Bryan gotten himself into. I mean it's almost like trouble was following him.

"Spring Bonnie?" Davis said.

"Ya he just gave me a quick call saying that Bryan's acting weird, like his behavior around certain animatronics has changed not only that but apparently he get snappy when they try to grab the bag that Bryan now carries around with him? I don't know what's going on." I said as I sat down.

"Bryan? Is that like your other buddy??" Reddy asked as he ran past me.

Yes I am currently in Davis's house doing some paperwork management with him since I've been helping out a bit with new stuff some of its about Pizzeria stuff.

"Yes that Bryan. Anyways I just hope nothing bad happens to him before I get to visit him." I said as I picked up another piece of paper.

"Your not worried?" Davis asked

"I mean Bryan gets himself into a lot of trouble I wouldn't be surprised if this is something that is temporary and he'll go back to being himself again in no time....but Spring Bonnie did say that the animatronics have said that it's been almost a week since Bryan's slow change of attitude." I said looking down.

"Here's an idea we can go visit him sometime later how does that sound?" Davis said.

"Ya I think that's a good idea." I said as I finished up the papers.

*Bryan's pov*

Ok so I probably need to tone my attitude twords Springtrap and Molten but the idea of them using as a tool mades me so mad. I'm not a simple tool to just be used then tossed away. No!

I go back to my computer and start typing stuff up for Molten's change. I soon finished and put the dive into a secret compartment in my bag which I probably should stop bringing with me it's already suspicious enough I don't need them to get rid of it.

I sighed as I went to my work area and picked up a book. It's a book about simple ways of making an endo skeleton for animatronics. I've been working on a blueprint for an animatronic who knows if I actually build an animatronic them maybe I'll be able to fix the animatronics in my pizzeria without Springtraps help.

I put my backpack down thinking of hiding it away in this room. No one will be able to get into here except me. I'll make sure of that.

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