Talking with Michael

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*Jon's pov*

I know Michael the best. So I should be the one to talk to him. I left Davis with Bryan because Bryan kept on complaining that he couldn't speak through his animatronic so he's fixing that and possibly the face plates.

I will admit even if Bryan was tired and not thinking straight at the time his blueprints were really well done.

I sighed as I got into the car and started it up. I was about to pull out when Davis came running up.

"Hey Jon. I wanna see if we can keep Bryan home today I know he wants to see his animatronics but I think one more day home is a good idea." Davis said

"Let me guess you want me to check up on his animatronics?" I said

"Ya also if Springtrap asks anything about Bryan's animatronic just say it's fine and that it's not his problem." Davis said and I noted that.

"Alright see you later if this works out maybe Michael will pay a visit." I said and Davis nodded before going back inside.

I pressed the gas and drove off. If I remember correctly Michael is in a meeting today that Davis, Bryan and I were going to attend but because of this we let them know that we might not be there.

As I parked the car I went inside and looked around. The meeting is coming to an end so I decided to wait outside. After about five minutes I saw Michael walk outside and I waved to him. He looked shocked.

"Jon? Wait your here!" Michael said coming over to me."

"Yup and we need to chat for a bit. Something's up with Bryan's pizzeria and we need your help." I said and Michael looked me up and down before sighing.

"Ok let's go somewhere more private." Michael said and I got into the car. Michael set a few things down in the back and got in and I started to drive. I made sure the windows were up.

"So What did we miss in the meeting?" I asked

"Nothing too special they talked about how they want safety programs installed on the animatronics. I agree but I don't agree. We can't mess with them too much otherwise they just aren't who they are." Michael said

"I see." I said stopping at the light.

"What about you? You Davis and Bryan were supposed to be at that meeting." Michael said looking at me.

"In all honesty I think it's better for you too see this then for me to explain things because you know about how souls in animatronics work better then any of us." I said

"Wait...souls in animatronics? Jon what happened?" Michael asked

"Let's just say Bryan had a plan that included sacrificing himself so he's built an animatronic from scratch back in his own house. I recently found out about this like 3 days ago." I said

"Jeez that is recent." Michael said as we drove into Bryan's driveway.

"Well come see this." I said getting out of the car.

I led Michael into the house and I found Davis in the kitchen Bryan on the couch and the half made animatronic sitting next to the couch.

"So what did I miss while picking up Michael?" I asked

"Nothing much just Bryan moving the animatronic out here because he said it boring in the basement." Davis said

"Oh ya like you have a bit of your soul in an animatronic." Bryan and I looked at Michael who just looked..
How do I put shocked with I don't know how to describe it besides maybe dumbfound.

"You have what in that animatronic?" Michael asked Bryan looked at us.

"Oh hi Michael!" Bryan said waving at us.

"Ok now I see what you mean by it's easier to show me." Michael said

"Yup now I have to go because I need to check on some animatronics." I said looking at Bryan

"Got it be careful." Michael said before going over to Bryan.

I drove down to the pizzeria and when I entered it was dead quiet. I looked around before I saw some animatronics move from their position on their power stations.

"Jon? I thought Davis was coming?" Baby said coming from the star light stage.

"Jon?" I looked over at Lefty and a bunch of other animatronics came over. Looks like most of them are online.

"So I'm here instead of Davis and I have good new for all of you regarding Bryan!" I said clapping my hands together.

"Bryan's ok!" Lefty yelled and most of the animatronics perked up.

"Yes you'll be able to see him tomorrow. You would have seen him today but become me and Davis insisted that he stay home for a day before seeing you guys again." I said and Lefty looked so happy

"A welcome back party tomorrow!" Lefty yelled and Baby joined in

"Yup." I said as Springtrap and Molten came forward.

"Hey Jon." Molten said

"Hello Molten hello Springtrap." I said sort of giving them a cold shoulder.

"Wow mean." Springtrap said

"Not really especially from what I've heard your an ass." I said smiling

"Your asking to be punched right now." Springtrap said

"Hit me and I'll just the corporation that you have been a violent hazard. Bryan is all the proof I need." I said and Springtrap tried to glare at me.

"Anyways like I said Bryan will be able to come back tomorrow and yes a welcome back party would make him so happy. After all he's been down lately and misses all of you." I said before taking my leave.

I heard the animatronics plan the things they need out and threw out ideas of decorations. I smiled locking the door before I heard a metallic thud behind me.

"I'm assuming your going to ask me something Molten?" I asked looking at the broken bear animatronic.

"That was a bold move you made with Springtrap and I hope you know that." Molten said

"Ya I know." I said

"I'm going to assume Bryan's probably going to show up with his animatronic someday." Molten said

"I'll leave that to your thoughts I've sworn to secrecy." I said walking past Molten

"Fine play your gaming plan I have my suspicions anyways. It involves me and Springtrap, we're the main targets that Bryan hates after all." Molten said before leaving.

"Ya you and Springtrap." I said leaving the building

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