A Harmful Splitting

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*Spring Bonnie's pov*

Bryan was late thankfully Helpy got to him although it took about like 7 calls for him to finally pick up which worry's me. Now I'm not the type to worry about Bryan we all know he does stupid shit, but even so he worry's me at times.

Bryan came in a greeted everyone and apologized for being late. I watched from a distance inspecting him but he looked perfectly fine besides the small bruise on the side of his neck. Was he attacked on the way here? No he takes the car so there wouldn't be much of a way for someone to get to him easily.

I sighed before going over to the group to interact with them. Bryan had his usual smile on and his face but he's obviously hiding something but the others can't see it. I'm sad to see a fake smile trust me I saw Jon try to put one on one time.

The day was normal we went and played mini games we had friendly arguments, we made fun of each other but in a friendly way we all know we wouldn't mean any of them. Except Helpy, Helpy's always been the strict type anyways.

Later when Bryan left the pizzeria Molten was doing this countdown and Bryan went running. Molten chuckled to himself which I'm not happy about.

"Why did to do that?" I asked

"Because it's fun!" Molten said

"God you and Springtrap both cause Bryan so much trouble." I said getting ready to leave. I had to go back to Home pizzeria because that's where I belong.

"Wait Spring Bonnie."

I turned around and looked at Lefty.

"What's up?" I asked

"You saw it too right? His smile it's..." Lefty didn't continue

"Ya I saw it. I might contact Jon and see if he can reach out to Bryan or something." I said

"Ok. Umm I don't know what Bryan has planned but I think it's harming him." Lefty said

"You assume this because of the bandages he has on him right?" I said

"He's been a lot more hurt then any time before. Tripping, falling landing in glass shouldn't have caused that much damage." Lefty said clearly expressing his concern which some of the other animatronics picked up on.

"I'll see what I can do with Jon and Davis. Davis has been living with Jon because of fire issues." I said and Lefty nodded before going back to his stage. He powered off and I had all the other animatronics power off as well. Molten of course went to do this own thing which is who knows what.

I would say I took a deep breath but I'm an animatronic so I just left and went back to Jon's  Pizzeria. Bryan what is going on?

*Bryan's pov*

I got back home and collapsed. I was so tried and to be honest I really wanted to cry but I had on one around that I could reach out and cry to.

I got up and I made myself some food before sitting down and started working on paperwork. It was about 12 am when I finally finished so I stretched and got a bit more food. I walked past the basement area to make my way to the bathroom but before I reached the bathroom my heart skipped a beat.

My legs gave out and I landed on the ground coughing. I took deep breaths before looking at the basement. Something in my body was urging me to go into the basement but as the same time not to.

I got up and walked over to the door and opened it. I felt my heart speed up for a moment and I took some serious breaths before my legs moved without me telling them too. I regret coming down because with each step I took I got weaker and weaker to the point where I was holding the wall as I opened the door to the room with the animatronic.

I looked at the partly done animatronic before noticing one of it's eyes was slightly glowing. It had no power to it at all so it made no sense that was until I completely collapsed.

Pain ran through my feet pain like pins and needless just so much worst. I felt my tear weld up, there was no way to avoid crying in this situation.

It didn't help that my legs soon feel to the pain as well then my hands, arms, lower body, upper body and finally the head.

I screamed out in pain as I felt like someone was pulling my guts out but no one was touching me. I screamed before coughing so violently that I began to feel sick to my stomach.

I don't know how long it hurt but when the pain finally faded away I passed out, but I wasn't pasted out. I opened my eyes again to see everything almost black and blurry. I try to move around with only did so much but then my eyes landed on the one thing I thought I wouldn't see.

My body.

I felt the urge to move and I did I felt so uncovered but I picked up my body and checked for a pulse. There was still one. I took my body and started walking I stumbled a lot but I made it upstairs and I placed my body down on the couch. Pulling a blanket over I made my walk back down to the basement, as soon as I got to my respected stop of what I felt like was my respected spot I closed my eyes.

The last thing I heard was sirens and yelling. Who's there?

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