Split Soul and Talks

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*Spring Bonnie's pov*

I, I don't have words for what just happened. I mean now that I think about it of course they might have some trouble speaking but still they just shut down.

I look around the animatronic before it just suddenly comes back online. I hear something but it's not loud enough, but then they look at me.

"Hey you good?" I asked and it just got up and moved.

I watched as it sat down and then it fully shut down. By now the others where in the room as well.

"Woah it really did move on its own" Chica said and the others nodded.

"Come on out of the room. I have a phone call to give Jon hopefully by now Bryan's awake or something." I said and they left

I sighed at opened my phone and walked out of the room to make a call. What I failed to realize was that the Animatronic wasn't completely turned off so it turned on and left.

*Davis's pov*

I got out of the car and made it to the hospital room to find Jon calming down Bryan. He was having a panic attack so I ran over and hugged him as well doing circles on his palm while Jon gently patted his back. Bryan finally calm down and his monitor going back to normal.

"I...I was..." Bryan said but stopped as he held his head and started crying.

"Bryan, Bryan. Hey man speak to us please." Jon said and Bryan looked at us slightly still hiding a bit of his face.

"Jon...Davis?" He said his voice scratchy.

"Yes Bryan it's us. Hey man you have to tell us what's going on its hurting me see you like this please. Something at least." Jon said almond pleading.

"...I'm sorry." Bryan said

"Hey we just want some answers. Can you lift your face." I asked

Bryan lifted his face and the first noticable thing was that one of his eyes actually had a white center. Usually when you look at the eye you have white then a color most common brown then a black center. Bryan's was white.

"Umm Bryan what's with your eye?" I asked

"What do you mean?" Bryan asked

"I.... I don't know how to explain you'll have to see in a mirror." I said

"Bryan please tell me what has been happening. First you worry me then I get Spring Bonnie comes to me and tells me your hiding something and your forcing a smile on your face?" Jon said completely worried.

"I..I'm sorry Jon." Bryan said

"You also have an animatronic to explain." I said and Bryan froze.

"The animatronic.... Where is it!?" Bryan asked frantic.

"It's at my pizzeria" Jon said

"Ok so their ok." Bryan said calming down.

"Why do you care?" Jon asked

"Why do I care? Why do I care?! Because I did something stupid again and now I have to make sure that animatronic doesn't get hurt!" Bryan said slowly raising his voice.

"Woah woah calm down." Jon said.

Having Bryan admin that he did a stupid really does mean something. In a serious matter that is.

"Ok can you explain to us?" I asked

"N-no..not now not here." Bryan said slightly shaking.

"Ok can you explain your injuries?" Jon asked as calmly as he could I could tell he was on his edge especially after Bryan admitted to his stupid thing which we both know Bryan would never do. We usually have to tell at him about that kind of thing, and naturally he'd get defensive.

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