Jon's worries

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*Jon's pov*

"Wait what!? You mean to tell me that Bryan tried to run away from his own pizzeria?...... ok ok ok I know I need to calm down but seriously Puppet you must understand my concern for my friend...... I'll try..... Ok bye." I hung up before sliding down the wall in the arcade room.

I put my phone next to me before I pulled my knees up to my chest. Bryan really has gone over his this time around.

"Here." I looked up at purple guy as he held a cup of tea for me.

"Thanks." I said taking it.

"Not a good talk huh." He said as he took a sip of his own tea.

"Ya no my business partner and friends just tried to do something I know he would have never done in his entire life." I said as I could see Chica, Freddy, Foxy, Spring Bonnie at the door away.

"I see anyways I'm going back to my area." Purple guy said before leaving.

"Ya thanks by the way I needed this." I said and he nodded before leaving shooing the animatronics out so I could have some alone time.

I finished my tea and scrolled through my phone for the new emails I got before I closed my eyes and took a nap for a few minutes.

I woke up to Spring Bonnie lightly shaking my arm to wake me up.

"Hey Jon I got a call from Bryan's place saying he's going to spend the night there. Springtrap said he'll probably do better in the morning when he wakes up." Spring Bonnie said.

"That's good. Thanks for telling me." I said

"Why don't you go home I'll deal with the animatronics today, you need rest." Spring Bonnie said as I got up.

"You sure?" I asked

"Yes I'm sure now go home." Spring Bonnie said

"God I feel like Bryan when he's spent too much time in the pizzeria or the animatronics are getting him to leave so something bad happens." I said chuckling as I grabbed my phone and got up.

"Ah yes the classic shoo Bryan or Jon out so they can go home and rest method." Spring Bonnie said

"Pfft shoo Bryan and Jon method? Is that something you came up with right now?" I asked as I walked to the door with him.

"Maybe." He said

I chuckled before I gave one last good bye to purple guy and Spring Bonnie. I walked back and flopped onto the bed. I have a feeling that this is going to happen quit a bit.

I picked up my phone because it was buzzing and looked at the number. It was Davis, I pressed the answer button and put the phone to my ear.

"Hello this is Jon." I said

"Hey Jon I was wondering if I could come over with Reddy a bit later." Davis said his voice a bit paniced?

"Ya sure what's going on?" I asked

"Oh a house a couple of house down from mind just burst into flames and people are evacuating the area just in case the fire spreads I have everything I need pack and the first person that came to my mind was you." Davis said

"Ya sure jeez definitely come over also in cases like these don't even think of calling just come over you know I'll listen." I said as I heard a door open on Davis's side.

"Thanks I be there win a little bit." Davis said as he hung up.

One thing and then another what else is going to happen what is Derpy chan going to call me next?

I waited a bit and nothing happened. Well that just means she's good. Events like these are like a chain reaction one person get hurt another and then another until all the people except you are like hurt or in danger.

I heard a knock on the door so I got up and opened it. Davis came in with Reddy before he gave me a hug.

"Jeez that was stressful." He said

"I bet. Having to move away from a fire that's so close to you is hard to deal with....I'm just glad your ok actually this makes this better things haven't been so good I could us and pal around right now." I said as Reddy ran off the explore my house.

"Reddy please don't touch things unless I say it's ok. Ok!?" I yelled

"Ok!" Reddy said from down the hall

"What happened this time to get you down Jon?" Davis asked.

"Bryan." Was all I said before Davis nodded. I didn't need the explain Davis was smart he knows that Bryan has gotten into some for of trouble that got me worried.

"What exactly happened?" Davis asked

"Bryan tried to run away from his own pizzeria because the animatronics wanted him to sleep." I said

".....ok that's was not what I was thinking I didn't think that would ever happen." Davis said as we walked to the living room

"Ya me neither but here we are. Bryan is also staying the the Pizzeria for the night." I said

"Well at least he's sleeping he'll get better....I hope." Davis said

"I'm sure he will I know that you don't know Bryan as well as I do but Bryan's a tough cookie.... I know he is." I said as I sat down

"How about we try to think of something else for a little while get ya know less stressed about things Bryan's ok right now and that's all that matters right?" Davis said

"Ya.... Sports?" I asked

"Sure I heard that soccer is on right now." Davis said as I turned on the tv

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