Bryan Is Where!?

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*Jon's pov*

I sat there with Davis tapping my foot. I heard about Spring Bonnie's experience at Bryan's and I knew something was wrong but I didn't think that I would ever be sitting here at a hospital waiting for a report on Bryan's condition.

It was apparently a very loud pain filled scream that came from Bryan's place that made the people living next to him call the police station. When they got there Bryan was apparently passed out on the couch and there was some oil prints leading down to the basement.

The foot prints where made by a incomplete animatronic which Bryan had in his basement. I did everything I could to make sure I had custody of the animatronic. So right now it's sitting in my pizzeria in the back. I also got all the blueprints and anything that was in Bryan's basement that was is used to make the animatronic.

Seems like Bryan was trying to make an AI probably to help him in some way? I don't know but I do have a lot of questions for him.

"Agh" I put my head into my hands and Davis pat me on the back.

"There there." Davis said

"Why. He was so normal like a mouth or two ago what's gotten into him like seriously this is...sigh." I stopped as a doctor came out with a clipboard.

"Well good new. Your friend will most likely wake up within a couple of hours. However there seems to be some serious damage in some places. For example I'm surprised he's walking around considering that he had a mild concussion and on his arm we have to cut a bit of an old wound so that when we stitched it back up it wouldn't have problems healing." The doctor said and I got up.

"What do you mean by that?" I asked

"Well it seems like there's a very deep cut that had some exposure to dirt and oil but we found most of that cleaned out but the inside of his cut had some slightly burns that made the  flesh in his body unable to be used so we have to carefully cut those bits a bit so that new flesh can regrow without a problem. This will most likely leave a scar when it's fully healed." The doctor said and my heart nearly left my body.

"So what your saying was that Bryan has a mild concussion, a sever cut in his arm that had some burns and was most likely to be infected what else!?" Davis said getting up.

"Just some smaller cuts around his neck and legs and umm just watch for his head we had some stitches put in his head to close the wound he got when he got his concussion." The doctor said giving us the clipboard.

We where allowed into the room and we pulled some chairs up. I looked at Bryan his heart beat normal but seeing all the bandages some a bit red because of surgery reasons mad me feel like I wasn't doing a good job.

I know his parents aren't around and I know they trusted me with all their heart to watch over Bryan even though he's a grown man. Davis picked up and held Bryan's hand which had an IV connected to his arm and he pulled my hand over and put Bryan's hand in mine.

"We'll get our answers. Besides I don't think Bryan can leave the hospital, if you want I'll check up on his animatronics." Davis said.

"Just don't tell them the location of the animatronic that Bryan is making. Knowing Molten and Springtrap's relationship with Bryan it's best to not tell it's location so they don't think about sabotaging it." I said and Davis nodded leaving.

*Davis's pov*

I left the hospital and looked at it one last time before getting in the car. I gave a quick call to Kat who was most likely at the pizzeria and told her I would be a bit late and I'll tell her the rest when I get there because it's hard to explain.

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