Bryan's recovery

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*Molten's pov*

Things are starting to take a weird turn and Springtrap is grumbling a lot about he wants to see this animatronic.

"Can you shut up? It's clear we aren't seeing this animatronic soon so stop grumbling about it." I said tired of his stupid voice.

"How about you get down here" Springtrap said

"What to talk about the plan? How about later because we don't know if Bryan will be back or not. Most likely but if he has an animatronic with him he's most likely going to be extremely protective. He already knows he has no control over the other animatronics but his is his own he won't want it on the same system as the rest." I said and Springtrap tsked before looking back down at the control panel.

I'm starting to hate working with Springtrap he's gotten more pushy now that he knows Bryan has been working on something to most likely get rid of us. I personally want to see how this goes.

First off, Bryan had a change of attitude for a bit, then he got injuries and tried to run away, he also has a small list of supply stuff, he came to work clearly tired and even more injured, and now he's in the hospital with an incomplete animatronic somewhere.

I sighed in frustration even though technically I can't sigh but still, Bryan is reckless and now he's paying the consequences. Davis came back to the pizzeria it's been a day now. He checks up on us and gives us a short update on Bryan but no matter what Springtrap says he won't say a single thing about the animatronic.

All his replies to questions about the animatronic is the same.

"Don't worry about the animatronic it's not my place to tell you about it."

Davis left after the update and the online animatronics who had no idea what was going on because they where offline at the time hot things explained and most of them immediately went back to their station and shut off.

Baby, Ballora, Lefty, and Rockstar Freddy were the animatronics that remained on after the update.

Speaking of update sounds like Bryan will be able to come back he's just going to have to take things lightly. ya know no heavy lifting, no overworking, no working on his animatronic, but I doubt he's going to follow that one.

"I can't wait to see Bryan." Baby said

"It'll be nice to check up on him properly. Ya know hear from him himself." Lefty said

"Indeed" Ballora said and they continued their chat.

I went back into the vents to just hangout while doing my own thing. I'm going to be honest here I never though I'd actually feel bad for Bryan. However the idea of him involving himself with an animatronic getting hurt probably means his souls involved and that just sucks.

Still unlike Springtrap I'm not going to get myself involved with this animatronic. If anything I want Bryan somewhat alive just so I can torcher him later.

I closed my eyes and decided to shut off for a bit. I heard Springtrap but I chose to ignore him.


*Bryan's pov*

Ok so I'm here at the front desk with Jon and Davis. I've got some lose comfy clothes that the hospital has provided just till I get home and change into lose comfy clothes that I have.

I promised that I would pay Jon and Davis back when I get home. I thanked the nurses that gave me a crutch to hold onto as a sort of stable thing to lean on even though I'm fine.

I smiled as I got into the car back seat because Jon wouldn't let me gave the front and Davis joined me in the back to make me fell better. We got to my house and Jon gave me my crutch as I got out of the car, and the first thing I did was go to the basement to see my animatronic.

"Let me guess your going to name it Bryan or something?" Jon asked

"I don't know maybe but that would be confusing." I said putting my hand on the animatronics half completed face.

"So you going to finally explain to me." Jon asked and I sighed.

I grabbed the cord and plugged it into the wall so that the animatronic could gain a bit more battery life for when it does turn back on. I sighed as I came back upstairs and sat on the couch.

"What exactly do you want to hear?" I asked knowing I won't get away with telling lies.

"First off. That animatronic.... Is it really you?" Jon asked

Davis didn't seem to surprised so I'm assuming he had things explained to him already.

"Ya... I'm still trying to figure it out myself, but I can see things through that animatronic. I've tried talking through it but I need to complete it's voice box." I said

"So that really was you. Defending yourself when me and spring Bonnie came to get you." Jon said

"Yup." I said

"So what are you going to do? The animatronics back at your pizzeria know about your animatronic." Davis said

"They know!? Wait that means Molten and Springtrap know... Oh god" I said looking down

"What's wrong with them knowing?" Davis said

"Springtrap's going to be so persistent in trying to get my animatronic onto the system thing but I'm not going to let him. He already has control over my other animatronics because of that stupid panel thing." I said

"You know we can ask the company if they can get you a control panel for you and just deactivate the one Springtrap has because technically that pizzeria is under your ownership even though you work for the company." Davis said and I looked up at Davis

"Wait really?" I asked

"I mean now that I think about it. Ya it's totally possible." Jon said

"Then let's do that!" I said

"Woah woah it'll take time and I bit of convincing. We all know that Springtrap is Mr Afton so we have to convince them that Springtrap isn't the one who should be in control of the pizzeria but you instead." Jon said

"But Springtrap has the upper advantage." I said

"Ya but we do know someone who can rival him and he's still alive." Davis said

"Who-...wait. Michael?" I asked

"Hey bingo if we get him on our side then we can gain an advantage on Springtrap. Plus Springtrap can't physically show himself because of how he looks." Jon said

"Before we do this though. Why do you want the panel so badly? And what do you plan on doing with this whole thing." Davis asked and Jon looked at me.

"I...I guess I'll tell the full thing" I said before I started to explain how I over heard Springtrap and Molten talking and their plan and what I had originally planned which would have resulted in possibly my life lost. Hence the animatronic. I wanted something left so they could remember me.

"That was a stupid and I mean. Ridiculously stupid idea." Jon said

"Don't ever think of a plan like that again." Davis said

"Ya...sorry." I said

"Anyways let's go get you a control panel you have a pizzeria to run and a couple of animatronics to set in place!" Jon said and I smiled.

"Thank you so much guys."

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