Bryan's Normal Again

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*Springtrap's pov*

I don't like this not one bit. I'm currently in the old work area with Molten and sleeping Bryan. All the other animatronics had to go offline because they were going to preform.

"Spill it Molten you know more about Bryan then I do." I said and Molten Chuckled

"Nah besides what would the fun be if I told you what I knew." Molten said

"I'm not looking for information on any sort of plan which I know Bryan has but why would he act like this." I said

"He's saying good bye in his own way." Molten said

"Good bye?"

"Yes good bye he has a plan for me or you or both of us that he think he may not make it out alive for. I think his main target is me." Molten said

A plan huh I'm sure if Molten knows this much he knows what's he's going to do. I don't care if he kills himself then he can go right ahead and do so. Makes it easier for me to do what I want without trouble.

"I don't know what your thinking but you do realize that we have to keep him somewhat alive." Molten said

"Why's that? You know I could always take this place over." I said

"Your missing something. Meetings Bryan sometimes attends meetings which I don't think you can attend right now. Also since Jon and Davis have the power to shut this place down if they work together. So we keep Bryan alive to keep Jon and Davis at Bay and have him go to meetings until our plan is complete." Molten said

He had a point I may be CEO but Jon and Davis are troublesome, and seeing as Jon knows Bryan the best and since Jon's been with Davis a lot then Jon and Davis can team up. It's a group of three that I have to be careful with.

"Anyways let's go I don't think Bryan would like to wake up with the two people his dislikes the most right now." Molten said before he left.

I walked out as well heading back to my own little area so I could relax. Bryan you are one big bag of troubling pain for me I will be so happy when I get to see you die.

*Bryan's pov*

My head spun as I got up. I groaned as I brought my hand to my head. Slowly things became clearer for me and I started to notice the pain in my hands. I look down to see them in bandages then boom memories back back to me.

That's right! God I was so stupid or course their going to know somethings up if I put up a mask now. I really need to pull myself together.

Molten and Springtrap haven't made any moves so I can relax of course I'm going to continue trying to make that animatronic and Shock gun.

I got up into a sitting position before leaning against the wall. Molten must have come out and grabbed me. No one else would be willing or could come out that easily. I'm surprised Molten hasn't tried to kill me although knowing him he probably wants in on my game. He's always like little games that are full of trouble.

I heard the door open and I saw Springtrap.

"Oh your awake nice. Bye." Springtrap said as he turned around

"I'm sorry." I said making him stop


"I said I'm sorry I don't know what came over me to make me act the way I did so....I'm sorry." I said looking straight at him

"Your fine the other animatronics will be happy to have you back." Springtrap said

He left and I got up walking out. I heard some of the animatronics yelling at Molten. He must be keeping them away from me which is weird.

"Hey everyone back up right now!" Springtrap yelled as I looked at my friends.

Baby was the first to see me she slipped past Springtrap and Molten as she ran and hugged me.

"Bryan your awake!" She cried.

"Hey sorry for making you guys worry so much I promise not to do it again." I said

"Promise?" Baby said

"Promise now let's go out so I can give everyone a hug." I said and she nodded before almost dragging me out to the other.

For a good while it was nothing but hugs and worried animatronics. Apparently I was out for a couple of days which I'm sure I should check up on Jon and Davis. Also Lefty asked me to get this really expensive guitar which I declined.

"Look we can get something less expensive but with a similar feel-" Lefty put his hand on my face

"No no no your good. Guys Bryan back!" Lefty yelled and everybody smiled.

Now I really have to question my behavior a bit.

*Jon's pov*

Davis is still staying with me while his house gets fixed up a bit. Not everything burned down but a the fire did get a good luck at his house. Davis as all his belongings which we was able to grab from the house so the workers didn't have to constantly move stuff or get it dirty in a storage.

I'm happy Davis will be able to go back to his house in a week or so but I do have to admit Reddy is something else. He made cookies which I have been enjoying but like I've also secretly taken some to my pizzeria for kids who want cookies.

The phone rang and I picked it up as Davis came in.

"Hello this is Jon speaking." I said

"Hi Jon I got an update from Bryan's place." I heard Spring Bonnie say

"Oh please tell me. I said as I put him on speaker so Davis could hear.

"Alright Bryan just recently woke up and is eating some healthy food he's also not acting strange anymore he's the normal Bryan we all know. He might pay a visit soon to give hugs and apologize but ya. He's awake and running." Spring Bonnie said

I smiled as tears welded up as I looked at Davis. Davis smiled back and nodded before taking the phone and had me rest my head on his shoulder so my crying was muffled. I'm so happy to have a friend like him

"Thank you for the great new Spring Bonnie and we look forward to Bryan's visit Jon can't speak at the moment so on his behalf I say good bye and thank you." Davis said

"No problem Davis have a good day." Spring Bonnie said as the phone beeped.

"Well let's go get ready to see someone in sure you'll want to see him sooner then later." Davis said and I nodded my head.

Damn it Bryan you lovable idiot.

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