Bryan's Return

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*Bryan's pov*

Michael helped out a lot. Not only did he listen to the plan and agreed to help out he also looked into my animatronic making plans and said it was very if not a bit better then most animatronic building plans.

He helped build Bry up a bit more. Yes the animatronics name is Bry, I can't call him Bryan because that's my name but I'm calling him Bry because he is technically me. It's really confusing.

Anyways Michael promised to complete Bry and that he would drop him off at the pizzeria later today when he finished some final touches. So here I am standing out front of my pizzeria. Jon dropped me off before leaving and I thanked him.

I opened the doors and I saw Helpy at the desk. I smiled as the small animatronic looked up to see who enter and when she saw me she freaked out.

"Bryan!" She yelled as she ran over to me and hugged my leg. I smiled and picked her up and hugged her.

"I missed you too." I said setting the small animatronic down.

"Come on, come on, come on! Everyone is waiting for you!" Helpy yelled as she tugged me twords the door.

She had me keep the currents closed as I unlocked the door and she went through and opened it. She had me wait and I heard the excited chatter of my animatronics.

"Ok come in!" Helpy said and I sighed as I opened the curtain and walked in. I stopped as I looked at the pizzeria all decked out in decorations and a big sign that said, Welcome Back Bryan!

I looked at all of the animatronics and it looks like pretty much all of them are on. I felt a tear and Lefty stepped forward.

"You ok Bryan?" He said

"I'm fine I'm just...I'm so happy to see you guys!" I said and I hugged Lefty and he hugged back.

"Come on group hug!" Lefty said and I felt Helpy and Baby hug my leg. I felt so many animatronics hug me and I couldn't be happier.

When everyone finally let you they showed me the couple of tables of food but more importantly the welcome back cake they all made. Each of them put their favorite color candle on the top and they lit it and had me blow it out before cheering.

I smiled as I enjoyed a small music concert from the animatronics that wanted to play and I played some small board games with some of the Funtimes.

It was so much fun to be back. When Helpy asked me about the portal I shook my head and smiled.

"I don't need to go through the portal to have fun I'm having a lot of fun just hanging out with you guys." I said before noticing a spaghetti looking animatronic.

Molten of course he was around I'm surprised he hasn't come down to ruin this party.

I sighed before feeling a slight pain in my head and I rubbed the side of my head before it slowly got better. I shook my head as it went away.

Michael must have tightened something suddenly. I thought before looking and seeing Springtrap come closer.

"Bryan." He said his voice clearly filled with hatred.

"Springtrap. I thought you would be off doing your own thing?" I said before Springtrap slammed the controller panel on the table.

"Why doesn't it work and why can't I get anyone to fix it!" Springtrap yelled and I sighed.

"Because it doesn't work. I'm not going to say anything else." I said and Springtrap grabbed me by my shirt and a lot of the animatronics reached and yelled at Springtrap.

"You tell me what your doing before-" Springtrap said as Bry came running in and then quickly punched Springtrap in the back of the head. I got dropped and Michael walked in.

"Because I had it disabled. Now leave Bryan alone Springtrap." Michael said as every animatronic looked at Bry.

"Hey Bry." I said

"Hey An." Bry said

"What this that kind of name?" I asked

"Oh ya know Bry, An, Bryan." Bry said

"So this is the animatronic." Molten said dropping down and I got up and walked past everyone and stood next to Bry who was just a bit taller then me.

"Everyone meet Me. Or Bry as you can call him. This is my animatronic." I said as Lefty stepped forward.

"What do you mean by you?" Lefty asked

"Because half of my soul is in him." I said

"Half of your what!?" Springtrap said

"Half of my soul." I said slowly and sternly at Springtrap.

"Looks like we might have crashed a party." Michael said

"Oh trust me Springtrap crashed it before you did." I said and Bry walked around the pizzeria.

"Well anyways Bry has full control. I added the panel into his control system he has access to it through his left arm and if the panel breaks it can be removed and replaced so ya there shouldn't be a problem." Michael said

"I sometimes wonder how quickly you can work things out." I said

"Well Springtrap might have been the CEO but he's not." Michael said

"Your the one who cut me off!" Springtrap said and Michael glared at Springtrap.

"I am. So now all you are is a threatening animatronic that will be removed from Bryan's pizzeria within a couple of days so I recommend that you just enjoy your last two days here before you end up at a dump press." Michael said and the looked at Molten.

"Bryan. What do you want to do with him. I know you don't want Springtrap but I don't know your feelings on Molten." Michael said

"We rewire him. I bet he can be a good animatronic." Bry said grabbing Molten before punching him.

I took a sweet satisfying inhale and exhaled.

"Oh that felt nice." I said and Bry chuckled.

"Well then Springtrap time to spend time in the freezer." I said and Springtrap was going to say something but was cut off my Bry dragging him.

"Your seriously going to spare me." Molten said

"Yes because I think you can change." I said

"....I don't how you going to do that but ok." Molten said and he went into the vents.

"Wow that was a lot." Baby said

"I know but it'll be ok." I said as Ballora smiled.

"I have to say I'm happy to see him go." Ballora said

"I think a lot of us are but still I don't like that half of your damn soul is in an animatronic!" Rockstar Freddy said

"I know." I said

"Don't worry! We'll be a team!" Bry said coming back.

Yup so guys welcome Bry into the family he's going to be around as long as I am." I said with a wide smile.

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