Jon and Davis Visits

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*Bryan's pov*

Ok I pulled an all nighter for this but it was worth it. I layed down my blueprint of the animatronics endo skeleton before I went and grabbed another blueprint to draw the design for my animatronic.

I sighed as I looked over at the picture that I took with all the animatronics together in front of the pizzeria. I smiled as I remembered the fun times I've had. Lefty making ships, us getting turned into kids. Playing mini games and tag. I sighed as I walked out after writing in my diary again.

I made sure to lock the door before I went upstairs to find Jon and Davis in my living room.

"Davis? Jon? What are you guys doing here?" I asked as i looked at them.

"Oh there you are we were looking around the house for you. Also I thought you got my email I sent you yesterday." Jon said

"Email? Hold on." I pulled out my phone and realized I had missed quit a few calls and I had new emails.

"Oh jeez sorry I must have put my phone on silent while I was working." I said chuckling as I got myself a cup of coffee extra strong especially for my tired brain.

"Anyways let's get to the point Bryan Springtrap has reached out to Jon saying that you have been acting differently and a lot of animatronics are worried about you." Davis said as I sat down.

"What are you talking about? Nothing's wrong with me. Except I get mad when ever I see Springtraps stupid face." I said as I took a deep sip of coffee.

"Ok....that's what they mean your picking a lot of fights with the others around your pizzeria." Davis said

"Only Springtrap and Molten." I corrected Davis not wanting him to think I fight every animatronic in the pizzeria.

"Ok that's still a problem also from what I've heard you are careless? Like an expensive thing you would get it if it was for someone else. What about yourself I get that you love your animatronics but this is a whole new level of things." Jon said

"Hmm. Well as long as their happy I don't care." I said

"See this isn't you. You would try to find alternative things that are equally good but less expensive and also when was the last time you slept?" Davis asked.

"Why do you ask it's not your business is it?" I said as I set down my empty cup.

"I'm asking because you got some serious eye bags there." Davis said

"I'm fine are we done talking?" I asked.

"....ya sure we'll come back later and check up on you. You better have slept within that time period." Davis said before he and Jon left. I sighed and I began to make food. Jeez they don't need to bug right now I have more important things to do.

*Davis's pov*


"Ya I know this isn't him not one bit and those eye bags never there. Also he came walking out of the basement area. He doesn't hangout there often he only goes down there if it truly important." Jon said as we walked to my car.

"We're going to have to keep an eye on him I have a feeling that he's planning something bit I don't know what." I said as I got into the drivers seat.

"Ya no I'll tell Spring Bonnie so he can tell anyone he thinks is the closest to Bryan to watch out for him. Lefty and Security Puppet would both be good people. Although it might not be worth telling them because who knows what Springtrap can do." Jon said

"Ya." I said as we drove away heading to Bryan's pizzeria to check things out he should be open right now and if I remember correctly I believe Helpy is the one that can open this up like Bryan.

We got there and saw little kids running around enjoying slices of pizza as the animatronics played for them. All of them were technically off they were all in stage mode. Security Puppet seems to be the only animatronic out of all the animatronics that can be in their free roam mode but still act completely natural.

I walked over to the present box and Security Puppet looked at me. Before automatically calling out a child for something they shouldn't do and could be dangerous.

"What's up Jon?" She asked in a small whisper so people didn't hear her normally talking.

"I just want you to know somethings up with Bryan he's not getting enough sleep and is probably over working himself so keep an eye out please keep in contact with me and Davis." I said quietly back to her

"Alright should I tell the others?" She asked

"No just us. Springtrap would least expect you to be the one reporting to us." I said before I nodded leaving her alone to do her job.

Davis looked at me and we grabbed a slice of pizza as to not be strangers before leaving.

"Alright. I'll have to go now I mean I need to go back to my pizzeria and check up on my animatronics." I said


"Come on Davis I'm sure you'll be fine. Besides if me and Bryan can mange these pizzerias with dangers like springtrap around you'll be fine." I said before we drove away.

"Ya I know." Davis said and he took me to my pizzeria.

I just hope that Bryan isn't doing something stupid.

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