Oil and Blood Part 2

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⚠️(warning blood possible triggers and gore.)⚠️

*On one's pov*

After Bryan had patched himself up he got an idea that no one would have thought of ever doing. He looked down at his hand before walking into the shower. He washed off any fired blood and soon enough patched himself up even though he knew he would just reopen his wounds a bit later or creat new ones.

Bryan smiled and he went to bed. Tomorrow was going to be a bloody day and he knew hello need all the rest he can get for what he was thinking of doing. Bryan pondered the idea of making an AI or becoming the animatronic himself.

If he left an AI then he would move on and his friends would have a nice memory of him to help them, or he could be one with the animatronic and stay with them until the day he was no longer needed or scrapped away.

Bryan closed his eyes and slept he wasn't going to worry about it if anything if his idea pulls through be could have the right choice of being an animatronic or moving on.

*Rockstar Freddy's pov*

Bryan came to the pizzeria as per usual but this time around he had bandages around his left side of his face and on his hand. Puppet was the first to start worrying seeing as she is the closest to Bryan I walked over with a few other animatronics to hear what was happening.

"I'm fine security Puppet it'll heal up." Bryan said

"But...but how did this happen!?" Puppet said checking Bryan for any other injuries.

"It's just a bad slip up you know people sometimes knock things over and end up slipping on them. I just happened to be unlucky and fell forward instead of backwards it's fine it'll heal and I'll be all good." Bryan said with a smile on his face but winced a bit. Probably from pain

"Please be more careful Bryan." Puppet said still worried but less worried knowing Bryan wasn't physically attacked.

"Bryan I think you need to see the kitchen." Ballora said before Bryan sighed and walked over.

I walked over as well to see Bryan's reaction. I know what's been happening in the kitchen but I just want to see how Bryan will react to it.

"What is this!?" Bryan yelled at the animatronics in the kitchen.

"A get well cake!" Baby and Happy Frog said as the same time.

The kitchen was a mess because Baby, Happy Frog, and surprisingly Funtime Chica baked a cake for Bryan to have as a he's ok thing. I don't know.

While everyone chatted among each other I walked over to Lefty who hasn't made any moves to go see Bryan.

"Hey Lefty what's up?" I asked

".... he's lieing. He's always been a good lier but his smile it was too forced to be the truth.' Lefty said which made me uncomfortable

"If that's the case what do you think might have happened?" I asked

"I don't know but all I know is that he's lieing and I don't think he'll tell us the truth." Lefty said before getting up

"Need a hug?" I asked

"Your hardly the hugging type." Lefty said

"Well take the offer or not." I said. Lefty smiled before hugging me.

"Thanks I needed this." Lefty said before we went over to Bryan to do what ever is going to happen today. Like possible shopping, playing mini games, arguments, you name it. I just hope that Springtrap or Afton doesn't screw things up he's doing a lot of damage as is with not letting Bryan have complete control.

Now I hate saying this but Bryan has a point. Bryan is the owner of this pizzeria which has been established by the main company but this building it self is runned by Bryan which means if Bryan wasn't here non of us would be.

Springtrap keeps control of this place with the control panel which I hate and would happily destroy if I could. However if Bryan was properly educated in now to manage things around here then I wouldn't mind him having the control panel. That will be my next this to do. I'll teach him how to use a control panel, but for now I just want to hangout with them.

*Bryan's pov*

I said bye and went home and imideatly went to the basement and cleaned up the oil from last night before getting to work again. After a while of wiring and putting plates in their place I went to the kitchen and grabbed a knife.

I walked back down the grabbed some of the wires that had a almost needle look to it. I took a deep breath before taking the knife and slammed it into my arm. Pain that's all I felt but I twisted the knife a bit before pulling it out and taking the wires that were connected to the animatronic and placed the tip into my arm. I grabbed clothes and tied up the wound and made sure that I didn't pass out yet.

I looked back at the knife which had a jagged edges which means a bit of my flesh and been pulled out. I looked at it for a bit before I typed on my computer and turned on my animatronic. The gears moved and the oil and elasticity made it moved but it also shocked me in the process.

I grabbed the table and held back my screams so people do get worried I felt my wound bubbling and the cloths on it came lose and came off. I looked at my arm watching as bubbled up blood came out and the wound began to get extremely red with a burning passion before I reached up and grabbed the wires and pulled them out of my arm.

Red that was my vision. Bubbles, black scorch marks. I think the worst part was the flesh that had been burned out or ripped out when I pulled out the wires. Black and mushy is how I would describe it. My vision black out and I don't remember anything from there.

I woke up to my phone buzzing. I picked it up and groaned.

"Hello? This is Bryan speaking."

"Omg thank God you picked up Bryan we really were worried about you we were about to call Jon and tell him you weren't picking up." Helpy said

"Oh I'm sorry here hold on. I said as I got up and properly checked the time. I was late I was late to the Pizzeria.

"Well shoot I'm sorry I must have accidentally snoozed my alarm I'll be there in a bit thanks for the calling I don't think I would have gotten up." I said and before Helpy could say anything I hung up. I looked around me and then at the ground. My blood and tiny flesh pieces layed around on the ground.

I looked at my arm which was still a bit open so I'll have to hit it with disinfect before bandaging it up. It's a good thing this is on the upper part of arm other wish it would have been too obvious.

This is for them. I'll protect everyone and I'll leave someone with them if they need me.

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