Chapter 34

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Once we got into the city we went to get lunch. It was almost 3 in the afternoon and I hadn't eaten yet. At this point in the day all I really wanted was Chipolte, but more importantly guacmole. I'm obsessed with guacmole, I eat it with a spoon now. I turned my phone on as we sat down with lunch. I had 15 missed calls, from two people I hadn't talked to since I left Wisconsin, My mom and best guy friend Jacob. I called my mom, not sure what I was getting myself into. It had been about a month since I had talked to her, she answeres the phone, "I have been trying to call you for the past 3 hours. Why isn't your phone on?" she asked me, practically yelling, "Umm, well I had a flight to New York City, and soon I have a flight to Paris." I said, then remembering she has no idea what's going on in my life anymore. "Why are you going to Paris??!?! I mean your 17 how are you paying for this?" she asked, "Well, I have a photoshoot for Victoria's Secert, so they are paying for my flight." I said, "Soo my 17 year old daughter is alone in New York City right now?" she asked about histarical, "No, Cameron is with me." I said, wondering what her problem was. I mean I had been living in Los Angeles for the past month and a half and she calls me all conserned with my life again. "Oh yeah that makes me feel a whole lot better that your with you 22 year old boyfriend." she said with discust. "If your going to bitch at me for living my life, I'm just going to hang up." I said, frankly kinda pissed. My mom started saying something in a bitchy tone and I hung up. "What was that about?" Cam asked, "Umm, my mom. She pretty much called to bitch at me for my decisions." I said. "She doesn't have the right to do that anymore. If she didn't want you to leave then she shouldn't have let you go. I mean I'm glad she let you but that's dumb. She hasn't talked to you in almost two months." he said, "I know." I staired at my food, "I have one more person to call." I said as I hit Jacob's name. "Emily?" he said as he picked up the phone, "Yeah, what's up." I asked, "Can you come home?" he asked. "I have a photoshoot in Paris. I'm going to be gone for the next week, I'm currently in New York City on layover. Why what's wrong?" I asked. "Nothings wrong. I just miss you, and so does Parker." he said. My jaw dropped, Parker and I had broken up over six months ago, "Why does Parker miss me?" I asked. "He's still in love with you. He would kill me if he knew I had told you but it's true." he told me. I had been threw soo much shit with Parker, I kinda missed him but I was super happy with Cameron, it was easy to be with him. "Parker, don't..." I heard Jacob say and then Parker was on the phone, "Emily?" he asked. His voice made me break into a million pieces, I  could hear the hurt in his voice, with tears in my eyes I said, "Yeah." "Don't be with him, come home, please." he said, "Parker, I can't okay. Yes I feel bad for hurting you. It hurt me too but I'm with Cameron and nothing is going to change that. I have to go." I said as I hung up. I shut my phone off again and handed it to Cameron, "Take it please." I said. He took the phone out of my hand and shoved it in his pocket. We didn't talk while we ate, I mean what were we going to say, he just hear my ex boyfriend beg me to come home to him. I ate slowly but finished eventually. We walked out, and started walking to the candy store, "What are you thinking?" Cam asked, his question took me by suprise but what was I thinking. "I shouldn't turn my phone on for a long while." I said, "Do you want to go home?" he asked with a sad look on his face. "I mean if you want to leave and end everything just tell me, I will be fine." he said with tears in his eyes. I stopped walking and looked at him, "Cameron listen to me when I say this, I broke up with Parker. Even tho it really hurt after, I don't regret what I did because I wouldn't have you. Being with you has given me more opportunities than I would have gotten if I would have stayed in Wisconsin." I told him. Cam hugged me and kissed my head, and said "Don't ever leave me." We both had tears in our eyes, we whipped them, grabbed eachother's hand and kept walking. The best thing about moments after we argue or are sad is we act like they never happened. By the time we made it to the candy store, we were laughing and I had fun going back and eating a bunch of candy. We had about an hour left until we had to go back to the airport, so we decided to walk around Central Park. Being in New York City is amazing, expecially during the winter. We walked and talked, I always feel better when we are just weird around eachother. We eventually got a taxi and went back to the airport for our next flight. By the time we got back to the airport it was about 6:30. We had already checked in our bags so we went straight to security and made our way to the gate as they started boarding. I showed the lady my passport and boarding pass then we got on the plane. "Okay, I'm even more scared of airplanes now because we are crossing the ocean." I said witha paniced look on my face, "I have done this dozons of time. I promise you will be okay." Cameron said reassuring me. I shook my head yes, as we sat in our seats. 30 minutes later we were in the sky, "Ready for Paris, babe?" Cam said with a smile on his face, " Yeah, I am. I'm super excited except for this part." I told him. Cam grabbed my hand,"You do remember it's Valentines Day on Saturday, right?" he asked, "Uhhh, yeeeeaaaahhh no. No, I didn't remeber." I said. "It's a good thing, I did. I have the whole thing planned. I'm very excited." he said. I honestly have the world's best boyfriend. I completely forgot about Valentines Day and he already had something planned even tho we were going to be in Paris. We watched a couple movies on the ipad before I fell asleep. "Hey babe, wake up your going to want to see this." Cameron said waking me up, I sat up and looked out the window, I saw Paris, even tho it was about 8 in the morning it still looked amazing from the air. Shortly after we landed, grabbed our luggage, and a car was waiting for us to take us to the hotel. We were staying at Shangri La Hotel, I checked us in, we had one of the garden view rooms. "Wow, Cam look." I said even under all the snow it was beautiful, the garden was amazing. "Babe, come here you can see the Eiffel Tower." Cameron said on the other end of the room, I practically ran towards him. "This is amazing." I said, "I'm glad your here with me." I said looking at him. "I am too." he said hugging me. 

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