Chapter 39

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My life was beginning to get extremely busy, beyond belief. I came home from Paris a month ago and have maybe spend 5 nights sleeping next to Cameron. We both are opposite schedules, I'm during the day and he's at night. It's April now and Easter is in two weeks. I had to drop my other two jobs because of how busy I was modeling. Thankfully I wasn't leaving LA but it was still exhausting. Mentally I wasn't doing soo hot lately. I have no idea why, but once it hits you it always hits hard. But me being me I put on a happy face and no one had any idea. I got home from a late shoot and realized how nasty our apartment was getting. No one was home and I just figured the guys were working. I began cleaning up the kitchen, throwing stuff away and using disinfecting spray. Once I was done cleaning it was about 10 and I was ready to go to bed. I showered quick, and layed in bed but something felt wrong. I got up and walked threw every room of the apartment. Everything was in place and no one was home. I layed back in bed, which consisted of me staring at the ceiling. My phone started ringing and it read Los Angeles Police Department. I quickly answered, "Hello?", "Uhhhh, Em. Nash and I are kinda in trouble." Cameron slurred into the phone, "What kind of trouble? I'm not 18 yet, I can't bail you out." I said almost screaming into the phone, "Oh yeah. Well, I kinda got a DUI." he said. "I can't believe you,Cameron what the hell." I was now screaming. "I will be there soon, with Kian." I said and hung up. I quickly got dressed in a gray ya'll need jesus tshirt, ripped light blue jeans, silver sequin shoes, and I grabbed my camo Cameron Dallas sweatshirt. I ran downstairs, as I called Kian Lawley. I grabbed my PINK navy floral backpack and the keys and went out the door. It was now close to 2 in the morning, "Hello?" Kian said half awake, "Hey, it's Emily. I need your help, I will explain later. I will be picking you up in in 10 mins." I said, "Okay, I will be ready." Kian said as he hung up the phone. No more than 10 mins later, I pulled into the driveway at Kian's house. He was waiting on the front porch for me, he got in the passenger seat, and buckled his seat belt. "So, what's happening?" Kian asked, as I got back onto the interstate, "Well, I don't know what all happened but Cameron and Nash got pulled over and Cameron now has a DUI and I have to go bail him out." I said. "Shit, did you even know he was out?" Kian asked, "Not until now." I said staring at the road. I pulled into the Police Department and walked threw the doors with Kian. I walked up to the desk, "Cameron Dallas and Nash Grier." I said to the lady, "We need to see id on both of you." she said back in monotone. Kian and I got out our ids, she knodded her head. "We need $600 for both. And then jail time will be determined by the judge." she said back to us. I pulled out Cameron and Nash's  bail money in cash, and layed it in front of the lady. She counted the money, and told the officer behind her to get them. 15 mins later, Cameron and Nash walked out the door. "Thank you." I said to the officer, I looked at glanced at them, turned around and headed back to the car. I was soo pissed I couldn't even look at them. I got in the drivers seat, and turned on the radio loud, knowing there heads were killing them. I also knew they wouldn't say anything about it either. I dropped Kian back off at his house and drove home. I got out of the car, they followed me into the apartment in silence. I went into the kitchen and grabbed a water bottle as they went to walk up stairs to bed. "Where the hell do you think you guys are going?" I asked, "Uhh, to bed." Cameron said as Nash stayed quiet. "Like hell you are. Get you asses on this couch." I yelled. This time he didn't argue, they both walked into the living room and sat on the couch. I was paceing in front of them, "What the hell where you thinking?!?!?!" I screamed, "I mean where the fuck where you?!?!?" I yelled again. Neither one of them answered me. "I can't believe you Cameron. You are the one who always says don't drink and drive, call me if your in trouble. And here you are the one with a DUI !!!!" I continued to yell. "Well, you didn't even know I was gone. And I knew you would bitch at me because I was drinking. Who was I supposed to call?" Cameron was now yelling at me. "Cameron sit back down." Nash finally said, "What? What did I do now? What was I supposed to do?" Cameron turned around now yelling at Nash. "Cameron sit the fuck down before you do something you regret." Nash bairly got out before Cameron punched him in the face. "What the hell man." Nash said yelling. "Cameron go to bed. In the guest bedroom." I yelled, Cameron didn't think twice and slammed the door once he got there. I ran over to Nash, "Are you okay?" I asked grabbing his face, his face was forming a bruise and his lip was bleeding. I ran into the kitchen, got a towel of ice and a cold washcloth. I went back to Nash and whipped the blood off his face and gave him the ice for his face. "Thanks." he said, "I'm going to bed, okay? Get me if you need anything." I said getting off the couch. 

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