Chapter 9

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I woke up, up on a maroon and gold shirt for school spirit, skinny jeans and black vans. I straightened my hair, put on my usual light make up and brushed my teeth. I dropped off my sibilings at school then went to school myself. Today was going to be a pretty easy day, so i wasn't too worried about it. But I was not prepaired to what I walked into. Apparently the guys had video taped the whole thing and put it all over the internet, youtube, vine, twitter, instagram, mobli, and people at school video taped it too. Everyone was all over me asking questions and suddenly everyone wanted to be my friend. All the girls wanted me to set them up with the guys, which they wouldn't have been into anyway. We had a pretty normal day until the parade, which I skipped so Cam picked me up and decided to suprise me by paying for me to get a gel manicure and pedicure. I got french tips on my fingers and toes. He also suprised me with paying for me to get my hair and make up done, he also had Bryant his photographer come out and take our pictures. I was shocked he thought of all this. Around 6 we all went to Qdoba for dinner then Cam and Jack escorted Taylor and I to the football game. During the game I was getting very irritated with everyone, I understand Cameron is sorta famous but we couldn't go 10 mins with out someone asking for a picture or something of that sort. After the game that we won by 20 points, the boys decided to try something new. And by new I mean they wanted to try Culvers. They were AMAZED at how good the food and icecream was. I got my usual chicken tender kids meal with cheese curds and sweet tea, Cam got a butter burger, cheese curds and Coke. He insited on paying and I wasn't going to argue with him. After we got icecream, I got chocolate in a waffle cone and Cam of course got Chocolate chip cookie dough in a waffle cone. Taylor and I were staying with the boys in the hotel for the rest of the weekend, so we went back to the hotel. Thankfully people were generous and left us alone while out in public. We hung out a bit, I showered  and then around 11 went to bed. I slept next to Cam and Taylor next to Jack. Before I fell asleep I heard a whiper in my ear " I love you, Emily." I woke up the next morning listening to the soft snore of Cameron, I went to get up when Cameron pulled me back into bed and said with his sexy morning voice " 10 more minutes and then we can get up." So we slept for 10 more minutes, then finally got out of bed around 10. I got up put on my PINK hoodie and PINK yoga pants. I brushed my hair, put it into a messy bun and brushed my teeth. I wasn't getting my hair or make up done until 4, so we went to IHOP for brunch. We got back to the room, and we decided to watch Frozen until the stylest came for Taylor and I. Once she got there the guys went to Nash's room to hang out and get ready. My hair was curled to perfection and slighly pulled back, my make up was a silvery white and my amazing dress to top it off. Taylor's hair was pulled up into a curled bun with a french braid around it, her make up was light metalic purple and gold to accent her purple dress, she looked just as amazing.  Once we were ready for pictures, the guys came to pick us up. Cameron was wearing a black dress shirt, a purple and navy tie with black pants and shoes, he looked hot. Jack wore a gray dress shirt, purple tie, also with black pants and shoes. The guys came in with our corsages, mine had white roses and purple and navy orchids, Taylor's had white calla lilies and purple orchids. The boys put on our corsages and we put on their boutonnieres, White rose for Cam and white calla lily for Jack. Bryant took our pictures, they turned out amazing, of course. " Hey Emily can I talk to you for a minute?" Bryant asked, I walked over to talk to him. " Hey whats up?" I asked, " I was wondering if you were interested in modeling because you did amazing today and I could help if you were interested." he said, " YEAH, TOTALLY I would love that!!!" I said. " What's going on?" Cameron asked, "I'm going to be a model!!!!!" I said excitedly, " Thats great babe, I knew you could!!!" he said. We went to Olive Garden around 7:30 and got to the dance around 8. We had ALOT of fun, and all the girls were jealous. Cameron never left me, he held onto my hips and pulled me close, we either grinded to the songs or he turned me around and sang the song to eachother. Until we got to a slow song, All of Me, Cameron pulled me close again, he put his hand dangerously close to my ass, I put my hands around his neck, as we danced. We danced till midnight and went back to the hotel. I passed out in Cam's arms before we got back, he carried me to the room and I fell back asleep. Tonight was a good night. 

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