Chapter 35

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(Author's Note: I'm currently writing 3 books, I will be updating this one once a week on Tuesdays)

By the time we got to the room and unpacked it was about 11  which ment it was roughly 1 AM at home. Even tho I had slept on the plane I was exhausted from traveling. They say you shouldn't sleep during the day, after you travel because it will screw up your body even more. "Brunch?" Cameron asked, I walked over to him and cuddled my head into his chest "Please." I said. We had some cash transferred into Euros but we also had Cameron's credit card. We decided to walk because it was relatively nice outside. We still had to put on hats, gloves and jackets but it was nice. "This city is absolutely is beautiful." I said as we walked threw the city. "Yes, yes it is." Cameron said looking down to me, I smiled as we kept walking. We found a restaurant called Les Cocottes. It was really cool on the inside and there food was amazing. Speaking french was the hard part, but we managed. "It's a good thing you kinda know how to travel and do this because I don't." I told Cameron as we ate. I was glad to be traveling with Cameron of all people. Traveling is something I have always loved doing, so now that I have the opportunity to do what I love with the one I love is an amazing thing to do. We walked out of the restaurant and I was dying for caffeine at this point, "Cam, can we find a Starbucks please??" I said whining, "I don't know, how bad do you really want Starbucks?" he said laughing. "Please Cameron!!!! I will honestly do anything for caffeine right now!!!" I said whining even more, "Anything?" he said with a devilish grin on his face, winking at me. "NOT THAT!!!" I yelled hiting his arm. "Well you said anything." Cameron said defending himself. I stopped walking, no one was behind us, I crossed my arms and gave him the look. I have mastered the look, its part glare, part pout, part killing stare. "Babe," he said laughing, "I was going to take you to Starbucks." I wasn't mad at him at all, never was but it was fun messing with him sometimes, I started walking again but didn't say anything to him. I thought he would drop it but he didn't, "Babe, please say something to me." he told me. I looked back at him and smiled, then he knew I was faking. Cameron was a foot maybe two behind me ran and picked me up bridal style and kissing me. Cameron put me down as we were laughing, "You know I wasn't mad at you right?" I asked, as we began walking, holding hands. "Yes, I just really wanted to do that." he said looking at me and smiling. We walked until we found a Starbucks, and Starbucks is even cooler in France. I ordered a Viennese Chocolate Honey Almond drink, it was amazing. "Is my little white girl all happy now that she got her Starbucks?" Cameron said laughing at me, "Yes, yes I am." I said laughing back. By the time we had gotten back to the hotel it was about 3. "When is your photo shoot?" Cameron asked, "Uhhh.." I said checking my phone, "Tomorrow and Friday but after that I'm good. We leave Sunday." I informed him. "Okay, I'm going to be really busy once we get back, that's why I wanted to come to Paris with you." Cameron said looking at his phone. "How busy?" I asked, "Just during the day." he told me. I guess it didn't matter too much I was modeling when ever they needed me and I got both the cleaning job and the daycare job, so I would be busy too. We ordered food and watched a movie until we fell asleep. 

The Next Day:

I woke up and was really excited to shoot today. I got up and put on a PINK sweatshirt and sweatpants. Cameron had already been up and had gotten ready so we could go to the shoot. "I probably should eat something." I said laying on the bed, "Here you go princess." Cameron said handing me a chocolate roll (similar to a cinnamon roll) and Viennese Chocolate Honey Almond drink from Starbucks. "You are amazing!!" I said smiling, "Well, I know you are going to get nervous eventually so I thought I might as well keep you happy, smiley and bubbly as long as possible." he said hugging me. Cam was right, I was going to get nervous. We got in the car and pulled up to the building I was shooting at, I grabbed Cameron's hand. We walked in and they lead me to my dressing room. I had 3 other people in my dressing room other than Cameron and I. I had a lady telling me what to wear, a make up lady and a hair lady. I was given lingerie to put on and a dark pink silk robe to put on over. I put it on, and I started getting nervous. I sat down in a chair as a lady did my hair. Cameron didn't leave my side while it took the lady two and a half hours to do my hair and about another half hour for the other lady to do my make up. "So they will need you in about 20 minutes. I will come in when they are ready for you." A man told me in my dressing room. Now I was getting nervous. "Em?" Cam asked me, "Yeah." I said really quietly. "Here. Turn it up as loud as you need, I can get you later." Cam said handing me his phone and headphones. "Cam, can we dance and sing like we do in the car?" I asked almost so quietly he couldn't hear me. "Yes." he said and we did just that. We had a playlist that we have just to make us happy. When we got a knock on my dressing room door we knew that was my que that it was time. I put on the heels I was given and walked out with Cameron right next to me. They gave me general ideas of how they wanted me to pose and I could feel a million eyes on me. I was actually starting to enjoy the attention. A couple lingerie and make up changes later I was done. Because I am still a minor they have to hold of until my birthday in July to use the pictures. They ordered us lunch, we ate and I was ready to take a nap. Once we got back that's exactly what I did. 

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