Chapter 31

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Not going to lie, yesterday wasn't the best day for Cameron and I, that was our first fight and it didn't end well. With all the stress of being a model for a million dollar company is alot to take in. Now I have to have a good diet, and work out for photoshoots which start in a couple weeks. I woke up and showered, by wrist stung a little but it wasn't too bad. I got dressed and walked downstair to Nash in the kitchen, "Hey." I said as I grabbed the strawberries and nutella. "Hey." he said not looking up from his phone. "Nash, you can talk to me, he knows he doesn't need to be protective over me when it comes to you." I said, "I know that's not it. Just the fact that I didn't know you cut." he said. "I'm sorry Nash, I really am. It's a just a really bad habit and I havne't done it since I have been with Cam, almost one time but I didn't do it. Plus we have never faught before and I didn't know what to do." I said as I started crying. Nash came over hugging me as I cried, "Where is he?" I asked, "Not sure, he left after you guys fought and hasn't come home yet." Nash responded. Then I remembered Camerons wasn't even with me last night, when Nash found me Cam was never there. Nash was the one who helped me clean my wrist and cuddled with me until I fell asleep. Cameron left when I needed him the most. This is not like him at all, he isn't normally like this. I pulled my phone out of my pocket and went to my contacts, "Don't try calling him, he has his phone here." Nash said, "Can we go grocery shopping then, I need to start eating better and I'm still broke." I asked. Nash grabbed his keys and wallet, "I'm ready when you are." he said with a smile on his face, "Okay give me 15 mins and I will be ready." I said as I ran up the stairs. 15 mins later I was ready to go as we left. Right after I have melt downs like this I usually am pretty quiet and don't eat much. As Nash and I walked threw the grocery store I let him do most of the talking as I grabbed food. After we checked out and got back to the car, Nash stopped a second "Hey, do you want to go get something for lunch?" he asked, "Its fine I'm good." I said. He didn't push me to eat, all he did was drove us home. When we got to the parking garage we saw Cameron's car. Well this is going to be fun to explain. Nash and I carry in all the grocerys and we found Cameron sitting in the living room. As soon as we walked in he went upstairs. I dropped the groceries and looked at Nash, him knowing what I wanted to say, he nodded and I ran upstairs. I went straight to our room, "Cameron I'm sorry, you know I am, what's the problem?" I asked as calmly as I could, "I came home fine, I was ready to talk to you and appoligize for being a jerk. Until I saw you and Nash together again." he said, "I'm sorry, my life can't stop because you are pouting. I have a job that requires me eating better food than we have here. I needed Nash to come with me because someone was MIA all night." I was slowly looking my cool. Nash came running upstairs, "Cameron dude, I love you and I love Emily but we would never hurt you by us hooking up or something Iike that. I have seen both of you fight wayy too much in the past 24 hours. So both of you stop, drop it and go back to being the normal sickening happy cute couple as usual. If you haven't noticed yet Cam, she could have died last night, she cut a little too deep and that would be why your door is broken." Nash finished. Cameron came over to me and moved my bracelet down and saw the mark, he hugged me and whispered in my ear "I'm soo sorry. I didn't mean for it to go this far. I don't want to see you hurt yourself because I'm an idiot who's over reacting." I looked up at him and we kissed, it felt like we hadn't done that in a very long time. "Yes, I like this couple wayy better." Nash said, "I have alot of making up to do." Cameron said as we walked downstairs, holding hands. Cameron took the blender and started throwing in vanilla yogurt, vanilla protein powder and strawberries. He started the blender and started making me a spinach salad with tuna on it. Once the blender was done he poured it into a cup, added a straw and gave me my lunch. "I wasn't going to eat but thanks." I said taking a sip of my shake, "I know, that's why I made you food." Cam said smiling. I finished eating and Nash had a video to edit so we just chilled in his room, listening to music. I started spinning in an office chair, "Emily, you are going to puke." Nash said laughing at me, "I have soo much energy. I think I need to go to the gym." I said still spinning, "Well let's go before you puke." Cameron said he picked me up out of the chair. "I need to change." I said threw laughing because I was upside down. "Okay." Cameron said as he put me down, I quick changed into athletic shorts and my sorry stud muffins this cupcake is taken tank top. I ran back down stairs and we left for the gym. As we walked in Cam asked, "What are we going to do first?", "Besides the fact that we need to warm up, umm running?" I asked, "Okay." he said. Let me remind you it was about 11, so no one was at the gym, we started warming up by running, skipping, and doing many other things. Being the only ones there, we could listen to our music loud, all I really wanted to do was run. So I got on the tread mill and ran, I started out slow gradually getting faster. Cameron was lifting weights behind me, "We really need to work out more." he said stairing at me. "Why?" I asked drinking some water, "Because your pretty hot when you sweaty." He said kissing me. After about another hour we decided to head home. "Wanna shower?" Cam asked, I gave him a funny look which he didn't respond to this time, "Yes." Tired from the gym but we both ran to shower, we both slowly stripped while kissing. We got in the warm practically hot shower, we didn't pay attention to the fact that, that this was the first time we saw eachother naked. We both just showered like we normally did together. We got out changed, brushed out teeth and got in bed. We cuddled up like normal, "I love you Em." Cam said, "I love you more." I said and we fell asleep.

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