Chapter 19

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A couple weeks later:

I still hate it when Cameron leaves. I can't wait till I move to California and I will be with him. I know he won't be around all the time because of acting,modeling and meetings that tend to be in New York City. And with me planning on going to college I won't be able to leave L.A., which will kinda suck. School is getting really irritating, so I have been taking my anger out by doing cardio kick boxing. Cameron and I have been facetiming and I only have a couple weeks till I move!!!!! It is also the last day before Christmas break. Cameron and Jack are picking Taylor and I up from school and then we are going to L.A. for our whole break. I am also moving some of my stuff to Cameron's apartment, that he still shares with Nash and Bryant. I woke up and put on my teal American Eagel sweatshirt, black skinny jeans and black vans. I finished my normal routein and went to school. We didn't do a whole lot with break and all. We got out of school and saw Cameron and Jack leaning against the car. Zaymmm, did Cam look good. I ran and managed not to slip. We got my stuff out of my car, that my parents were going to pick up later. We got in the car with our stuff in the back, as we headed to Milwaulkee. Cameron grabbed the tickets and got all the bags checked. We went threw security and grabbed Starbucks and Taco Bell before getting on the plane. We walked to the gate to Los Angelas. With our connecting flight in Denver, we got to LA by 2 A.M. It felt amazing to be back in California at 67 degrees it felt amazing. When I got back to Cameron's apartment, I breathed a breath of relief. "Welcome home,Sweetheart." Cameron whispered to me as we walked in the door. "Glad to be home." I whispered back to him. He grabbed my hand and took me upstairs, he threw me some of his sweatpants and a sweatshirt,I changed and got in bed. "This is where you belong babe, right here, in my bed with me." Cameron said before we both fell asleep. I woke up to Jaxx(Cam's dog) laying in between Cameron and I, with the bright California sun coming threw the windows. It was around 8 and knowing Cameron he wasn't getting up till at least another hour. I showered, put on yoga pants, Cam's hoodie and left my hair down. I walked down stairs, made myself ice coffee and watched TV with Jaxx. Cameron came down around 9:30 and saw me using Jaxx as a pillow and laughed. Before I could sit up and turn around Cameron took a picture of us. The next thing I know my phone goes off with a twitter notification. "I wake up to both of my Bae's cuddling on the couch. I love them!!!!!!!! @emleeaarons" I get up and hug Cameron as he holds me there. "I love you Emily." he says into my hair, "I love you, too Cameron." I say into his chest. Nash comes running down the stairs as Cameron, lets go of me and we walk into the kitchen. "What are you guys up to today?" Nash asked openeing the fridge. "I'm not sure,yet. I was about to ask Emily what she wanted to do, on this fine Christmas Eve." Cameron said looking at me with a grin on his face. "What has Cameron shown you of L.A?" Nash asked me. "Only the beach and the zoo, really because we just drove around." I said. "Gurl you need to see more of the city." Nash said in a girl voice. Cameron was on his phone, "Okay I looked up what we should do and Universal Studios is haveing a thing for Christmas Eve. Does that sound okay?" Cameron asked. "Definately!!!" I said, "Great well we will leave at 11 after I inform everyone." Cameron said, as we all ran up the stairs to get ready. I put on a gray tshirt, brown scarf, jeans and gray vans as Cameron was in the shower. Cameron put on a black tshirt, jeans, red and black snapback and black vans. I straightened my hair, put on light make up and finished my usual routein. We left shortly after, quickly grabbing and eating Chipolte in the car with Nash and Hayes. When we got to the gate everyone was there, Jack Gilinksky with Taylor, Jack Johnson, Carter, Matt, Aaron, Shawn, Taylor Caniff, Kian, Jc and Conner. We of course got the VIP pack for all of us to get the behind the scene access to everything, apon Nash's request. First we got to see major film sets of tv shows and movies and the huge prop warehouse. We got front row seats to all the shows and got to go to the front of all the rides. Around 5 we got dinner in the VIP dining room which was prepared by their personal chef, it was AMAZING!!!!  When we got to the Grinchmas part of the park we got a picture with the Grinch and Max his dog, we decorated gingerbread cookies and made ornaments. Of course we are all really competitive so we made a competition out of it, for gingerbread cookies we had to pick someone and make your cookie look like them. Lets just say it was funny to watch, Cameron tried making me and it wasn't half bad. Our ornaments we just tried to see who could make the best one, to say the least Taylor, Conner and I made the best ones. We went around to the Despicable Me Minion Meyhem ride, Super Silly Fun Land, Transformers the ride in 3D, Revenge of the Mummy ride, Shrek in 4D, Jurassic Park ride and WaterWorld. Once we got threw them all it was 8:30 and the park was closing soon. We all decided to come back to Cam's place to hang out awhile but if you know the guys, they won't leave until 3 A.M. I feel like I'm home where ever I am with Cameron, in Cali or a hotel, it's home. When we got home, I quickly ran upstairs and changed into Cam's sweatpants and hoodie, I threw my hair up into a ponytail and called it a day. I walked down stairs and we just hung out, made vines and were all on social media non stop. Everyone left around 3 A.M and I was dead tired but I showered anyway and went to bed. I woke up knowing today was Christmas, but I noticed Cameron wasn't next to me, it was 11 he must be down stairs. So I walked downstairs and saw my amazing boyfriend holding a Starbucks Pepperment Mocha Latte, and pastries from Panera Bread. He put them down to meet me at the stairs, "Merry Christmas, babe." he said kissing me. "Merry Christmas Cameron." I said. "How did you do this? Everything is closed for the day." I asked, "Well Hayes ran to get everything yesterday and I just hid everything." he explained. "So what's our plan for the day?" I asked eating my chocolate chip bagel, " Well don't eat too much here because we have lunch with my mom and Sierra at noon." he said. Once I was done I got changed into an off white sweater and an ivory sequin skirt, with my red with black lace heels. I put my hair up into a neat bun and finished getting ready. Cameron walked out of the bathroom in a red and black stripped shirt and black pants, with his usual black vans. "You look hot." he said stairing at me, "You don't look too bad yourself." I responded. We drove to Chino Hills, for lunch, singing to random Christmas songs on the radio. We walked in the house and Sierra saw me first "Oh My Gosh Emily, you look amazing!!!!!" she said hugging me, "So you do!!" I told her. "You look beautiful, honey." Cameron's mom Gina said to me, "So what did Cameron get you for Christmas?" they both asked. "I'm not sure." I said, they both looked at Cameron with a questionable look on their faces. "I wanted to give it to her, here because it will be more special." Cameron informed, I didn't think too much about it. We ate and then exchanged gifts,  I suprisingly got gifts from Gina and Sierra too. Cameron just put my name on the gifts he got them, I gave Cameron his gift from me which consisted of two custom made couple sweatshirts for us, his said Prince and mine said Princess, the other one mine said Hey Mickey your so fine and his said Hey Minnie you blow my mind. He stood up gave me a hug and a kiss and pulled a ring out from his pocket, and got down on one knee, "Emily, we have been together for 5 months and they have been the best 5 months of my life. I thought my purpose on this earth was to make videos and act but I was put here to be with you. I know you are only 17 and we aren't ready for marriage but I hope someday I can do the honor of marrying you. But for now, I give you this promise ring. My promise to you is, that one day I will marry you, and I promise to do everything in my power to make you happy. I love you, Emily Aarons." I was tearing up as well as Gina and Sierra as he put the ring on my left ring finger. I gave him a huge hug and kiss. "I can't believe my brother is so romantic." Sierra said giving him a hug. Gina and Sierra grabbed my hand to look at my ring,"Cameron where did you get this it's beautiful." Sierra asked. "I had it custom made, the stone in the middle is garnet and outside is diamonds, I also had our names put on the outside and inside." he said proud of himself. We all talked for awhile and around 5 we decided to leave, we grabbed our gifts and hugged everyone good bye. Gina whispered to me "I can't wait to have another daughter!!!" and Sierra told me " I'm going to love having you as a sister." Cameron and I drove home and decided to watch a movie. While we were cuddling on the couch he noticed me looking at my ring and smiling. "I'm glad you like it." he said, "I'm very lucky to have a guy like you." I said looking back at him, "No I'm the lucky one." he said back. Around 11, I showered and we went to bed. This was by far the best Christmas I have ever had.

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