Chapter 6

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2 weeks later~

It has been two weeks since I saw Cameron last. We talked for a couple days before he got really busy. I understand that his career is taking off but I miss him. If I could just talk to him, for 5 mins a day I would be better. I mostly have been staying on the down low lately, pretty much meaning I have only left my room for the essentials, food, water and bathroom. Even tho I haven't really been eating, my calorie intake has been threw soda. I know it's not good for me but by this point I couldn't care anyless. The scars on my left wrist and fingers are starting to fade. The alcohol is starting to call my name. Slowly, I'm relapsing, crying is part of my daily routein. All I want is to be happy but it's not going to happen for me. As the knife was in my hand almost to my left wrist, my phone rings. 

Phone Call Conversation ( E= Emily, C= Cameron)- 

E: Hello? 

C: Hey princess!!!!! 

An instant smile came on my face. E: Oh my gosh, Hi!!!!!!

C: I'm sorry we haven't talked a whole lot lately, I wanted to make sure you were okay, are you? 

E: Yeah, I'm fine! ( I lied) 

C: Em, please don't lie to me.

E: Well... I'm not doing awful

C: Emily, I'm serious.

E: I don't know. I feel like I might relaps. 

C: I'm serious Emily, if you need me, call me, text me, facetime anything. I want to make sure you don't relaps. And when I told you I loved you, I ment it. 

E: I love you too!!! Thanks Cam. 

C: Ok well babe, I gotta get going I will facetime you tomorrow night, okay?

E: Yeah thats fine, love you!

C: Love you more!!!

Phone call ended

I'm still going threw replaps, it sucks. I don't even try to hang around people because the slightest thing will set me off, either I want to punch someone or curl up in a ball and cry.  I hope this goes by fast. 

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