Chapter 46

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Prom is this weekend and I'm all ready for it. I had Taylor buy tickets for her and Jack as well as Cameron and I.  I had my usual hair and make up people scheduled to meet me at the hotel we would be staying at in Wisconsin, my nails would be done before I left and my dress was being sent over from Paris this week. Cameron had his tux fitted and he looked amazing. I was getting really excited for prom, considering I didn't even really want to go in the first place. Cameron didn't spare any expense on prom. Considering my entire outfit for the night would cost over $5,000. Cameron wanted it to be perfect since he never really enjoyed high school when he went, so he wanted it to be perfect for me. I really missed Taylor, but was having a blast in LA. Sierra wanted to be apart of our prom as well, considering my lack of friends, we went together to get our nails done. I got french tips on my fingernails with a gold accent nail, and a salmon color on my toes with a gold flower on my big toe. When I got home, Cam was packing for our weekend away. "Hey baby, let me see." he said walking down the stairs to greet me, I laid my hands out, and curled my toes up. "Gorgeous, just like you." he smiled as he kissed my head. He walked around me and wrapped his arms around my shoulders, "Are you ready for this weekend?", "Defiantly!" I smiled. Sometimes, I look at my life and wonder how I ever got here. I turned around and looked into his big brown eyes, as our noses touched. Before I knew it, he threw me over his shoulder and carried me upstairs to our room. Cameron threw me on the bed, both of us laughing hysterically, he slid on top of me, pinning my legs and arms to the bed. We kissed slowly, as he started kissing my neck, "Hold up, Dallas! You know the rules." I said, as I slid out from under him. I went to our closet grabbing my weekend bag, and backpack. "Whats wrong, baby?" Cameron said, kissing my neck again, laughing I responded, "You know what." He finished packing while I wrote a list of everything I needed for the weekend, and a list of stuff that was already shipped to Wisconsin. I packed all my clothes, changed into my pajamas, got ready for bed and crawled under the covers.Cameron checked us in on his phone for our flight at 8 A.M and  eventually crawled in with me. " I love you, Miss Aarons." he whispered into my ear. "I love you more, Mr Dallas." I whispered back. 

Next Day: 

We woke up at 6, the next morning to quickly get ready before we got to the airport. I threw on a off white belly sweatshirt, ripped jeans, black Nike tennis shoes, and my mint green backpack on my back. I straightened my light blonde hair and did light make up. Cameron threw on a t-shirt, jeans and some vans. We grabbed our stuff and we were on our way to the airport. We laughed and danced all the way to the airport, where his assistant dropped us off. "Have fun guys, I'll see you when you get back!!" she said as we hopped out. We made it thru security and bag check, then just waited for our flight. We went to Starbucks and grabbed coffee, cause the Lord only knows how much we needed it. I had a couple of granola bars and fruit for our breakfast. Once they let first class on the plane, we took our seats and off we went. I plugged in my earbuds to my phone, turned on some Justin Bieber, grabbed my floral blanket, kicked off my shoes and fell asleep in Cameron's lap. I had now mastered airplane rides. Taylor picked us up a couple hours later, Jack had gotten a different flight for the same time. As soon as I saw her and Jack, I ran to them. Taylor and I ran into a hug, "I missed you, soo much." she said into my hair, "I missed you too Tay." I said into hers. As we drove, we all requested that Culver's was a must on the way back. We ate, and made our way to our hotel for the weekend. Taylor and I stayed in one room, while Cameron and Jack shared the other. I had my dress shipped to Taylor's house, and it was in a black garment bag, so no one could see it. We hung up our dresses in the closet, and laid on our beds. "School absolutely sucks without you." Taylor said looking at the ceiling. "I bet. But you'll be joining me in LA, soon!" I said looking at her. She looked back at me and smiled.  We ordered pizza and hung out with the guys until we all decided it was time for bed. "Get your beauty sleep, my love." Cameron said, kissing the top of my head. "Can't wait to see you in your dress tomorrow." he said walking out, winking at me. Once he got back to the room I got a text, "I love you! You are the most beautiful girl in the entire world. Thank you for being mine. Goodnight." 

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