Chapter 15

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Thank goodness I don't hang over because both of the guys did and it wasn't fun to see them. The funny thing is for most of high school I had slowly kept adding alchol to my monthly dose, so last night I didn't feel anything but tired, since we got back around 3 A.M. I woke up around 10 to Cameron laying on the bathroom floor, I went down stairs and saw a very pissed off Taylor and Jack on the kitchen floor from puking in the sink. " Hey, Tay." I said kinda scared of what she was going to say. " ARE YOU SERIOUS EMILY, the guys are laying on the floor because they drank too much and you all were high when we came home. I had to drive you guys home so you didn't kill yourselves. And all you have to say is Hey." She was pissed. "I'm sorry Taylor, I wasn't paying any attention to how much I was drinking and I got nothing to say about the weed." I explained. " Hey babe, I'm sorry that the party ended up turning into alchol and drugs." Cameron said coming over and hugging me. I hugged him back not saying a word. " Hey Em, are you hungover at all?" he asked, " No I don't hangover, ever." I said.  " Well because your not hungover and Taylor drove last night, can you drive us to IHOP?", " Yeah, if you tell me how to get there." I added, he agreed. Taylor got Jack off the floor and drove back to his house to change agreeing to meet us at IHOP at noon. As soon as they left, I took off my make up off and showered. Once I was done, Cameron got in and I got dressed. I put on a teal aztec crop top and jean short with white vans. I left my hair down, did my normal routein. Cameron decided to wear jean shorts, a white tshirt and white vans. He handed me the keys and he showed me how to get there. When we got there Taylor and Jack had a table for us. I could tell Taylor bitched at Jack for being stupid because he was kinda quiet. We ate and talked like last night and this morning didn't happen. We didn't have a whole lot to do and Taylor and I were leaving around 8:30 tonight for our flight at 10. So we went to the Los Angeles Zoo. We walked around looking at all the animals. " CAMERON PENGUINS!!!!!!!" I exclaimed, I let go of his hand and ran to them. I had already done that with the giraffes so he knew to let me go. I ran up to them and looked threw the glass when one of the zoo keepers asked if i wanted to come in and pet them.  " YES YES!!!" I practically screamed. We went in and Cameron got pictures of me petting penguins. " Would you like to go in the back and see other animals,too?" she asked. "Of course!!!!" I said, we went to the elephants and giraffes. I was amazed at how calm they were around us. I thanked the lady and we walked to get icecream. I pulled out my phone and Cameron had put me petting the penguins on twitter with the caption " My bae seeing animals and running at them actually got her somewhere it landed us getting in the back and petting more animals. Gotta love her!!!! #beautifulgirlfriend #lazoo @emaarons" I went to my profile and saw I had gotten over 2,000 follower requests on Twitter, I turned off the requests and they all became my followers. On Instagram he put " My amazing girlfriend got us in the back #amazing #gottaloveher #shesmine #looknotouch @emaarons", I had over 3,000 follower requests there too, I did the same as before and they all became my followers. We made it to get icecream, I got chocolate chip cookie dough in a waffle cone, so did Cam, he paid and we ate. " Thank you, Cameron." I said, " Your welcome." he replied. " For everything, you have paid for all of this and I haven't quite understood why yet." I asked. " Because, your the sweetest, not complicated, drama free, easy going girl I have ever met. When we met you didn't even care what you said to me, you said what was on you mind. I have always loved that about you. You are so easy to be with and I love you with all my heart." He said. I said nothing but had tears in my eyes and I hugged him. " I don't want to go." I said into his shirt, " Then, when you graduate in January come live with me." he said. I looked up at him, and saw his brown eyes waiting for mine, " Really?" I said shocked, " Absolutely." " Yes, I think I will." I said as he kissed me. We left the zoo and went back to pack. It was only 5 and we didn't have to leave until 8. So we watched moves, I had my legs across Camerons lap as we watched the Notebook. Right at the good part of the movie where they are in the boat and it starts raining Cameron leans over and picks me up and puts me in his lap facing me to him. "Cameron what the hell its getting to the...." I was cut off by him kissing me, hard. " I'm sorry I have wanted to do that ever since you got off that plane." he kissed me again. In the middle of our make out session the door opened, Nash and all the guys with Taylor and Jack came in. We didn't notice the door had even opened until Carter jumped over the couch and onto the both of us. " What the hell?!?!" we both said at the same time, " Hey, no one else was going to do anything.'' Carter replied. I stood up as Cam sat up and I sat back on his lap. "Good news everyone, Emily, is moving out here in January." Cam announced to everyone. I watched Taylors smile drop in to tears as she ran into the bathroom, I got up and ran after her. "Taylor can you please open the door?" I asked, she did and I sat on the floor with her. "Your moving out here?" she asked threw tears, I nodded, as I hugged her. " I guess it's really happening my life won't have you in it anymore." She said, I started crying. " You will still be in my life, Taylor even tho we will be one time zone apart you will always be my best friend." I said managing to get it out. We heard a knock on the door, it was Jack " Taylor babe, Can I come in?". She nodded and I stood up and left as he entered. Cameron looked at me, hugged me and said into my hair " I should have let you tell her." Eventually Jack and Taylor walked out of the bathroom, Taylor had a huge smile on her face and suggested we all go out to dinner before they take us to the airport. We went out for dinner and Jack announced " I got something to tell you guys. Taylor is moving out here in June!!!" " Are you serious!!?!?" I said looking at Taylor, she nodded. I got up and hugged her, I was soo relieved my best friend was going to live in Cali with me. After dinner Jack and Cam took us to the airport. I hugged and kissed Cameron a million times before I left, when Cameron pulled out a giraffe with a bow on it. " Here you go beautiful, by the way I sprayed it with my body spray so it will smell like me. I also threw my sweatpants and sweatshirt in your suitcase before we left the apartment, also smelling like me." I started tearing up and I hugged him one last time before we had to go. As soon as I walked away, I started crying. It made me feel a little better that Taylor was crying too. We got threw security and to the gate. We got on the plane and got home around midnight. I drove us home and we remembered we had school in the morning. 

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