Chapter 16

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I was not excited to show up to school. I knew for a fact that I was going to go threw relaps this time. I woke up, opened my suitcase to see Cameron's sweatpants and sweatshirt. I put them on and finished my routein. I drove to school and I got the same annoying attention. Everyone giving me crap for skipping one day of school to go to LA. I actually didn't want to  hear their critisism. I couldn't wait to leave. I saw one of my other best friends Ciera Thompson. " Hey, how was your weekend?" she asked. " It was amazing. I love California, I'm actually moving there as soon as I graduate in January." I told her, " Really?" she said with a sad look on her face, I nodded. Taylor next to me said " I'm leaving for Cali in June." Ciera had not expected us to both be leaving, me yeah maybe but her and Taylor had planned on going to college together. Thank goodness it was the end of the day, I was cold, tired, wanted to cuddle with my giraffe and facetime Cam. As soon as I got home I called to facetime him he answered. 

Facetime Call:

C: Hey beautiful, how was your day?

E: (Crying) Hi, yeah not the best. 

C: Why babe, what's wrong?

E: Just the normal teenage crap. Everyone is giving me shit for skipping school one day to go to LA. 

C: I'm sorry honey just don't listen to them, they are just jealous because they don't have a hot celebrity boyfriend that can fly them to LA for the weekend. 

I laughed. E: Yeah, I guess. Thanks Cam.

C: There's that amazing smile. 

We talked awhile longer before I fell asleep. I was exausted. I had a weird dream. 


It's halloween and I live in LA, I was coming home from a party off campus and Cameron went to a movie with Nash and Hayes. Three people were behind me and I decided not to pay attention to them.  I unlocked the door to the apartment and I heard running as someone pushed me into the apartment and two other people followed, locking the door. The guy who pushed me in starting picking me up, throwing me to the ground, punching and kicking me in the stomach until I coughed up blood. The other guy grabbed me and started taking my clothes off and threw me on to the couch trying to rape me, I stuggled so much they hit me in the head and my vision zoomed in and out. Once the guy had raped me the girl behind them started talking to me. " Cameron was supposed to be with me, not you. He can't have you if your dead, or at least brain dead." She had a large kitchen knife in her hand. It entered me in between my waiste and belly button. " I know Cameron puts his arms around you right there so why not if you do manage to live, why not make a huge scar there. Just remember this, we are always watching you." By this time my vision was going in and out, the pain level was something I had never thought possible. I hear Cameron and the boys, " Hey Cam, whys the door open?" it was Nash. " Shit, Emily!!!!" Cameron said. He yelled my name but didn't know I was on the floor by the couch. Hayes check upstairs, he did. Cameron noticed the trail of blood leading to the blood stained couch and me in on the floor. " Nash call 911, Emily's not responding, Hayes grab towels." Cameron picked me up and tried to keep me awake. But it didn't work. 

Dream over

I woke up screaming and crying, then I realized it was just a dream. I called Cameron, told him I had a bad dream but not what happened. He made me forget all about it. 

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