chapter 1

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zuko's POV

tw: abuse

"i cannot believe my ears!" father shouts so loud that it's a miracle his vocal chords are still intact. "i thought i pulled all those foolish ideas out of your head!"

'pulling out my ideas', actually means he beat the shit out of me.

he throws a vase at the wall behind me, almost striking my head. i shudder while thousands of ceramic pieces fall scattered on the floor.

huh, just like my heart right now, what a coincidence!

"i told you, dad, it's not like i can change anything" i attempt to explain while crying, but it's like trying to teach a sofa how to write.

"you dare speak to me with such insolence?" he bursts. "i shall teach you how to behave like a man! men do not act like you do and they certainly do not cry!" he exclaims even angrier and brutally grabs my forearm.

his nails sink deep into my skin and i try to break his grip with no success.

"father, please-" i try to beg him, but he interrupts me.

"silence, you disobedient child! you will learn to respect our family and our traditions once and for all!"

he pulls me to the fireplace and starts pushing my head closer to the flames.

"dad, what are you-" my voice cracks and i don't get to finish the sentence.

suddenly, all i can feel is excruciating pain in every fiber, every mucle, every goddamn cell in my body. i feel it all the way to my fingertips.

i think i'm screaming, but i'm not certain. i can't hear anything around me, but my throat feels like it's being torn apart by some long, merciless claws.

the fire is kissing my skin hungrily, melting everything in its path recklessly.

this hell might as well have lasted 5 seconds, half a minute, or hours, i couldn't tell.

i just wish my mom was here now.


i gasp for air desperately and clench my fists around the bedsheets involuntarily. it takes me a moment to realise where i am and i sigh in relief. it was just another nightmare.

i've been having them every single night since my father decided to scar me for life, leaving me partially blind and deaf on the left side of my face, at only 15 years old.

it's been 3 years, but it's impossible for me to forget.

i mean, how could i? i have a huge mark on my fucking face that makes sure to remind me of my trauma every goddamn day.

today is my first day at Ba Sing Se Highschool and i have absolutely no motivation to even get out of bed.

i used to go to a private highschool, but my father kicked me out of the house a month ago and disowned me, so i've been living with my uncle since then.

he's been a fatherly figure to me all my life, way more than my actual dad ever was. after i got burned, he was the one who made sure it didn't get infected and he gave me different creams and natural treatments so i didn't lose my sight completely on my left eye.

i love him with all my heart and i could never repay him for everything he's done for me. he's the only person in the world i trust and he gives the most useful pieces of advice you could ask for.

uncle iroh owns the best tea shop in town, the Jasmine Dragon, where we both work.

we can't afford to pay the taxes requiered at my old school, so i have no option but to finish highschool at Ba Sing Se.

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