chapter 2

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zuko's POV (the next day)

i hate PE class. why do i have to get all sweaty and tired in front of other people? it's so disgusting.

at my old school, we were taught self defense and martial arts, even sword fight, but here... why the hell do i need to play basketball?

i even have to wear the school sports uniform which consists of an orange tank top and some - also orange - shorts. great, just like prisoners. i hate orange, it makes me wanna puke my guts out.

right now i'm in a locker room full of naked dudes, i'm as red as a tomato and i'm trying to change into the uniform as fast as i can, without looking at anybody. if i can't see them, they can't see me, right?

i can't say i hate my body, but i'm not comfortable with other people seeing my bare skin. especially because of all the scars left by my father in certain places. i'm kind of ashamed of those.

after i put my clothes in the locker, the door opens and someone bursts inside, meeting cheers from every person in the room. i recognise the guy with the ponytail immediately.

"yo, sokka, my man!" a guy exclaims, bumping his fist into sokka's. "are you ready to get your ass kicked on the field today?"

"haha" sokka laughs. "in your dreams! you know you can't beat me"

he seems to know everybody, and everybody seems to know and love him. 

extroverts terrify me.

he exchanges a few words with almost each person and then heads to his locker, which appears to be near mine.

"hey there, zuko! what's up?" he asks me with a smile printed on his face.

"um- i'm ok, i guess" i respond breifly. "i'm not a fan of basketball though"

"oh, that's a shame, but you might change your mind with me as the captain" he says and winks at me.

my cheeks get flushed in a second and, as if the wink wasn't enough, he takes his shirt and pants off.

i look away because it would just be disrespectful and awkward to stare at him while he changes.

"sokka, why are you talking to that freak? come over here!" a boy's voice states from the opposite side of the room.

"mason, you take that back" sokka says in a slightly aggressive tone.

he turned his back on the locker and is now facing this mason guy. oh, i have to mention he still didn't put on his uniform. how can he be so comfortable almost naked in front of so many people?

"what, you're friends with that faggot now?" mason laughs mockingly.

sokka seems very tense and about to punch that guy in the face. i think he's really gonna do that, but i grab his shoulder to stop him.

"it's ok, sokka, just leave him be, i'm used to it" i tell him and he eases up a bit.

i take my hand off him, but i can still feel it imprinted on fingertips. his skin was soft and warm and-

'shit, why am i thinking that? stop the nonsense, zuko!'

spirits, can't he just put a damn shirt on?

"no, zuko, it's not ok. i'm sick of seeing you and other people being mocked for no fucking reason by people who think they are better than everyone!" sokka almost yells and now all the locker room noise has gone out.

i start twirling a strand of hair around my index nervously. now i'm being stared at by dozens of eyes and i feel my scar burning, as if to remind me it's still there, very noticeable, and very obvious to everyone.

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