chapter 3

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zuko's POV

it's a busy evening at the Jasmine Dragon and me, my uncle and jin can barely deal with all the customers.

jin is uncle iroh's only employee, besides me, of course, and while she's sitting at the counter, collecting the bills, i'm running back and forth to make sure everyone gets their tea on time.

uncle is preparing the drinks and my clumsy ass has to deliver them to each person.

i hate being a waiter, i have to put on a fake smile every time i open my mouth and try not to be rude to the annoying ass customers.

at least i've been working here for a while now, so the regulars have gotten used to my scar. i only get remarks about it from new clients, but it doesn't happen very often.

i almost drop the tray full of tea cups that i'm holding when i see who walks in the shop.

"seriously guys, why did we have to come here, you know how much i hate tea" sokka says while he and his friends sit down at the only available table.

i haven't talked to any of them for the past week or so, despite of sokka's numerous attempts to start a conversation. aang also asked me to join them for lunch a few times, but he gave up when he saw i kept refusing.

i'm about to go to the room behind the counter and beg my uncle to swich places with me and be the waiter until they leave, but it's too late. they've spotted me.

"zuko" aang calls to me and i have no escape.

"good evening, what can i get you?" i adress them as if they were some random customers.

i know, it's pretty pathetic, but i have no idea what else i'm supposed to do in this situation.

"sparky, cut the crap" toph says. "we know you're avoinding us so stop the bullshit and just be our friend"

her blutness shocks me and i don't know how to respond.

"what toph means" sokka adds, giving her a reproachfull look, even though she can't see him. "is that we really want you to accept us as your friends"

i take a deep breath because my lungs find it difficult to breathe while sokka's looking at me with those eyes.

"why the fuck do any of you care? you don't know me and i don't want you to. i just want to be left alone, for fucks sake" i burst and i feel my cheeks getting red, i don't know if it's because i'm angry, or because sokka is there, or maybe i'm embarrased cause every individual in this room is looking at me.

"jin, tell my uncle i'm taking a break" i throw my apron on the floor and walk out the door.

i start running as fast as i can, until my legs feel numb and i'm sure i'm going to collapse.

i crumble on the grass in the random park i find myself in. i catch my breath and watch the sky as it's getting darker and darker as the minutes pass.

what is wrong with me? i totally overreacted. those people were just trying to help me and i- i shut myself in, as i always do. they are probably sick of me and will never want to hear from me again.

why does it seem impossible for me to believe someone could genuinely care about me? why do i have to be such an awkward and insecure piece of shit?

i hug my knees to my chest, still lying on the grass, and i close my eyes, letting a tiny and warm tear fall on my cheek.

"you ok, buddy?" a voice startles me, but i recognise it immediately.

"yes, i'm fine sokka, you can go away"

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