chapter 10

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zuko's POV

i thought history class was never going to end, but the bell finally rang, awaking me from daydreaming.

i head straight to the bathroom and i find it empty, to my content. i can enjoy some moments of privacy, while i splash some cold water on my face.

i can barely keep my eyes open, as in the last few days, my thoughts have been completely occupied by sokka.

he's the first thing that comes into my mind when i wake up, and i think only of him when i'm at school, unaware of what the teachers are saying.

besides, i struggle to fall asleep because i'm imagining unrealistic scenarios with me and him as soon as i lay my head on the pillow.

every. single. day.

it's really exhausting. i wish i could just stop having a crush on him, but i can't help it. i often think of the chance of him liking me as more than a friend, but that only happens in movies. in real life, the feelings are almost always one sided, so there's no point in hoping for a different outcome.

suddenly, my reflection in the mirror is not the only one staring back at me. i turn around when i realise i'm not alone anymore. jet is here too.

he doesn't say a word, he just fixes me with his eyes and i don't know what i'm supposed to do.

when i'm about to leave this extremely awkward situation, he pushes himself against me, pinning me to the sink and...

he tries to... kiss me?

i use all my strenght to get him off me right before he gets to touch my lips with his.

"what... the... fuck!?" i stutter both angry and confused. "what the hell are you doing? is this some kind of joke?!"

he starts walking around in circles, scraching the top of his head nervously.

"i think- i-... i think you were right" he stops pacing around and just stares at me.

"i was right? about what?"

"i think i like boys and i might have a little crush on you" jet confesses.

ok, i did not expect that.

"jet, if this is a prank to mock me again, please just cut it off, i'm not in the mood"

he shakes his head frantically.

"no, i'm serios, you idiot. i don't know what to do" he states.

"uhm- about what?"

"about liking you, dumbass. how the fuck did that happen, you're an idiot and i'm supposed to be straight!"

he covers his face with his palms and sits on the floor. i don't take a seat next to him because that floor is dirty as fuck, i don't even want to step on it with my shoes.

"look, we both know you're an asshole, but it's ok if you're gay, who even gives a shit?" i shrugg. "but dude, haven't you heard of consent? you can't just kiss people randomly without asking!"

jet looks at me embarassed, tapping his foot relentlessly.

"yeah, sorry about that... i- i don't know what took over me..." he mumbles. "what am i supposed to do now? how will i tell my friends, my family? what if they don't want to have anything to do with me anymore?"

ugh, so many questions and i'm shit at comforting others. i gotta think about what uncle iroh would say and how he would handle the situation.

"fuck them" i say bluntly.

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