chapter 23

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zuko's POV

it's been over a week since sokka was released from the hospital and his cast has been replaced with some bandages wrapped tightly around his ankle, so he can pretty much handle himself now. however, this didn't stop me from sleeping over at his house since then... just in case.

"c'mon, zuko, everyone's waiting for us at the cafe. katara will surely murder us" sokka says to me.

i'm sitting at the dining table (at sokka's hose, of course), trying to finish my pancakes peacefully, but sokka is constantly rushing me, because he gulped down his breakfast in a second.

"it's not my fault that i don't eat as if i have to fill 5 stomachs, like someone i know" i look at him suggestively, raising my eyebrow.

i pour some more whipped cream on my pancakes and then add some colourful sprinkles for flavour.

"you're gonna get sick from all that whipped cream, you already ate half of the can" sokka warns me.

yes, i know i ate a bit too much of it, but i love it, so kill me for it!

"so what? are you gonna stop me?" i mutter as i fill my mouth with whipped cream until it's overflowing, just to spite him.

before i get to put the can down, sokka appears next to me, grabs my face with one hand and puts his mouth over mine, blocking a gasp of surprise. his tongue wanders around in my mouth in slow, careful motions, gathering as much whipped cream as he possibly can.

he breaks the kiss and we both swallow, staring straight at each other. his face is inches away from mine and he starts cleaning the remains of the cream from around my mouth with... with his lips.

i'm too overwhelmed by his touch to move, so i'm pretty much frozen in my chair, like an idiot.

once he withdraws, he smirks and wipes the corner of his mouth with his thumb, slowly tracing it until he reaches the middle of his bottom lip.

i'm pretty sure this should be illegal.

"mmm, i don't usually like whipped cream, but damn, that was yummy" he gives me a devilish grin and ruffles my hair without taking his eyes off me.

you'd think i would have gotten used to his kisses and touches in the time we've been together... i haven't. he's still close to giving me heart attacks every single time he comes near me.


sokka's POV

when me and zuko enter the coffeeshop, we quickly lay our eyes on the table where the rest of the gAang is chilling. i can tell from this distance that aang is doing his classic trick in which he spins little rocks between his hands with his airbending. they must be really bored without us if he had to resort to that.

"i'm gonna beat the shit out of you if you make me wait again" toph states once we take the two available seats at the table.

"hello to you too!" i roll my eyes. "no 'i missed you, sokka', no 'how's your ankle, sokka?' no, spirits, of course not!"

i throw my hands in the air for show and zuko is the only one that chuckles, which is more than enough for me.

"don't be a drama queen, we waited almost an hour for you!" katara intervenes.

her hair loopies jump around when she talks and i can't take her seriously.

"yeah, me and katara asked you all to come here for an important announcement" aang adds.

he loudly sips from his drink that i assume is a peach milkshake, as he always orders the same thing.

"i'm sorry for making you wait, but we were..." zuko begins saying, but i cut him off.

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