chapter 27

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zuko's POV

"father" i say as he takes a seat at the opposite side of the table.

i instinctively reach for sokka's hand under the table, in search for emotional support. i hate to admit it, but i'm still reluctant whenever i see him, and i try to keep my shaky hands under control as much as i can.

i think it's pretty pathetic, but his presence makes me go back in time, to when i was just a scared little puppy, obediant to his agressive owner. i like to tell myself that this isn't the case anymore, but i can't help but be a little shaken by his image before my eyes.

"i see you brought a friend with you" he points out, putting both of his elbows on the table and bringing his hands together.

"he's not a friend" i cut him off. "he's my boyfriend"

i feel sokka stiffening next to me as soon as i correct him, waiting for any bad reaction that my father might have, and getting prepared for it. however, all that my dad does is grimace for less than a second, and for someone that doesn't know this man, it may have been indistinguishable, but i know him too well to be tricked by his sly attempt at seeming ok with me being gay.

"i see..." he mutters, trying not to show the disgust boiling inside of him. "so it was not just a phase"

of course it was not just a fucking phase, you bastard, that's not how this works.

"why did you invite me here?" i get straight to the point, ignoring his offensive remark.

i want to get out of this house as fast as i can, so there's no need to respect any formalities, as if he deserved even an ounce of respect from me, after all he's done.

"am i not allowed to miss my only son and wish to see him?" he asks, pretending to have his feelings hurt by my blunt question.

he's so phony, i can't believe he's for real. what the hell is he after?

"a normal father would" i reply. "but we both know you don't fall into that category" i stare right into his eyes.

he shuts his eyes and inhales. he looks like he's barely holding together his anger, repressing his urge to close the distance between us and beat the shit out of me. just like the good old days.

"i am your father, whether you like it or not, and you can't change that" he says. "besides, what did i do so severe to deserve this treatment from my own son?"

i can tell that sokka's been trying to keep his mouth shut this whole time, but he finally bursts, practically jumping to his feet and slamming his clenched fists against the wooden table.

"you burned his fucking face, destroyed his entire childhood by abusing him, and kicked him out of the house, and you have the fucking guts to request his respect? well, fuck you!" sokka spits out and then sits back in his chair angrily.

"who are you again?" my father furrows his brows, staring at sokka as if he was only a peasant compared to him.

i think sokka is literally about to jump at his throat, but i grab his arm, forcing him to stay put.

"it's ok, baby, i can handle it" i assure him and try to put on a fake half-smile that of course doesn't fool him.

my father finds it even more difficult to gather up enough strenght to hide his disgust when he hears me calling sokka baby, and it's more than obvious that he's putting on an act.

"just tell me what you want, so we can all go back to living our lives and forget this ever happened" i say.

"fine" he sighs, slightly annoyed. "a guest will join us shortly and explain to you something that was brought to my attention only a few days ago"

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