chapter 17

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zuko's POV

"sokka" i whisper. "sokka, wake up!"

i shake him lightly and he lets out a deep groan, but he doesn't move.

"c'mon, we gotta go to school" i explain and i try to escape his embrace.

he doesn't let me get up, but instead he pulls me back, squeezing me even tighter and burying his face in my back.

"why did you wake up so early?" he whines. "did you have nightmares again?"

i didn't. he seems to be the only remedy i have against them, so how am i supposed to sleep from now on? i can't ask him to hold me every night, that would be innapropriate.

"it's not early, sokka! it's 10, so we already missed the first classes and no, i didn't have nightmares" i assure him. "now come on, i can't skip any more lessons, or uncle iroh will murder me"

"ugh- fine, i'll get up, spirits" he mumbles, not pleased at all that he has to leave the warm bed.


we arrive at school at lunch break, because apparenly, sokka takes forever to get ready in the morning. we head straight to the gAang's table and we find everyone laughing at some joke toph just said.

"hey guys" me and sokka greet them at the same time and occupy our usual spots.

"what a surprise, how come you two lovebirds have decided to join us today?" katara jokes.


"why didn't you wake us up earlier?" sokka asks her.

he didn't correct her and neither did i, but we both know our relationship is strictly platonic.

"you were way too cute, all snuggled up, i just couldn't ruin it!" she defends herself.

sokka punches her lightly in the arm.

"shut up" he mumbles and then makes himself busy with a sandwich.

i can tell that he's blushing, and so am i. i start fidgeting with my fingers under the table so i can diminish the panic that is slowly taking over me.

"why are both of your hearts beating so fast? did you do the dirty?" toph smirks and raises her eyebrows.

"what does 'doing the dirty' mean?" aang asks innocently, pulling toph's sleeve.

when he sees that she doesn't answer, he looks at each of us, but nobody tells him, so he pouts.

"what the hell, toph?!" me and sokka yell at the same time.

"what?" toph squeaks in defense, raising her arms. "somebody had to ask"

sokka rubs his temples, visibly annoyed.

"it's innapropriate, toph! and no, we didn't do anything, we're just friends" he clarifies and i approve.

he's not lying, we are just friends, but that doesn't make it hurt any less.

"mhm, keep telling yourselves that" toph mumbles and stuffs her mouth with a burger.

luckily, our conversation dies when somebody pulls a chair next to mine and sits down, slapping the table with their palm. it's jet.

"hey, zuko" he adresses me, acting like every person at the table was invisible.

he's uncomfortably close to me and i don't get to say anything, because someone else does.

"what the fuck do you want?" sokka shoots lasers through his eyes.

"sokka, language!" aang intervenes, but he gets ignored.

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